Packages that use ScrollableResults | |
org.hibernate | This package defines the central Hibernate APIs. |
org.hibernate.engine | This package contains classes that are "shared" by other packages, and implementations of some key algorithms. |
org.hibernate.engine.query | |
org.hibernate.envers.entities.mapper.relation.lazy | |
org.hibernate.hql | This package defines the interface between Hibernate and the HQL query parser implementation (to allow switching between the 2.x and 3.0 HQL parsers). |
org.hibernate.hql.ast | An ANTLR-based parser for Hibernate Query Language. |
org.hibernate.hql.classic | This package contains the Hibernate 2.x query parser which is being end-of-lifed. |
org.hibernate.impl | This package contains implementations of the central Hibernate APIs, especially the Hibernate session. |
org.hibernate.loader | This package defines functionality for processing JDBC result sets and returning complex graphs of persistent objects. |
org.hibernate.loader.criteria | This package defines the criteria query compiler and loader |
org.hibernate.loader.custom | This package defines a framework for custom loaders that accept handwritten SQL |
org.hibernate.loader.hql | This package defines a loader for the AST-based query parser |
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate |
Methods in org.hibernate that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
Return the query results as ScrollableResults. |
ScrollableResults |
Get the results as an instance of ScrollableResults |
ScrollableResults |
Query.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)
Return the query results as ScrollableResults. |
ScrollableResults |
Criteria.scroll(ScrollMode scrollMode)
Get the results as an instance of ScrollableResults based on the
given scroll mode. |
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.engine |
Methods in org.hibernate.engine that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
SessionImplementor.scroll(CriteriaImpl criteria,
ScrollMode scrollMode)
Execute a criteria query |
ScrollableResults |
SessionImplementor.scroll(NativeSQLQuerySpecification spec,
QueryParameters queryParameters)
Execute a native SQL query, and return the results as a scrollable result. |
ScrollableResults |
SessionImplementor.scroll(String query,
QueryParameters queryParameters)
Execute a scroll() query |
ScrollableResults |
SessionImplementor.scrollCustomQuery(CustomQuery customQuery,
QueryParameters queryParameters)
Execute an SQL Query |
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.engine.query |
Methods in org.hibernate.engine.query that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
HQLQueryPlan.performScroll(QueryParameters queryParameters,
SessionImplementor session)
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.envers.entities.mapper.relation.lazy |
Methods in org.hibernate.envers.entities.mapper.relation.lazy that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
AbstractDelegateSessionImplementor.scroll(CriteriaImpl criteria,
ScrollMode scrollMode)
ScrollableResults |
AbstractDelegateSessionImplementor.scroll(NativeSQLQuerySpecification spec,
QueryParameters queryParameters)
ScrollableResults |
AbstractDelegateSessionImplementor.scroll(String query,
QueryParameters queryParameters)
ScrollableResults |
AbstractDelegateSessionImplementor.scrollCustomQuery(CustomQuery customQuery,
QueryParameters queryParameters)
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.hql |
Methods in org.hibernate.hql that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
QueryTranslator.scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters,
SessionImplementor session)
Perform a scroll operation given the underlying query definition. |
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.hql.ast |
Methods in org.hibernate.hql.ast that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
QueryTranslatorImpl.scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters,
SessionImplementor session)
Return the query results, as an instance of ScrollableResults |
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.hql.classic |
Methods in org.hibernate.hql.classic that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
QueryTranslatorImpl.scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters,
SessionImplementor session)
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.impl |
Classes in org.hibernate.impl that implement ScrollableResults | |
class |
Implementation of the ScrollableResults interface |
class |
Implementation of ScrollableResults which can handle collection fetches. |
class |
Implementation of the ScrollableResults interface |
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.loader |
Methods in org.hibernate.loader that return ScrollableResults | |
protected ScrollableResults |
Loader.scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters,
Type[] returnTypes,
HolderInstantiator holderInstantiator,
SessionImplementor session)
Return the query results, as an instance of ScrollableResults |
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.loader.criteria |
Methods in org.hibernate.loader.criteria that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
CriteriaLoader.scroll(SessionImplementor session,
ScrollMode scrollMode)
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.loader.custom |
Methods in org.hibernate.loader.custom that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
CustomLoader.scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters,
SessionImplementor session)
Uses of ScrollableResults in org.hibernate.loader.hql |
Methods in org.hibernate.loader.hql that return ScrollableResults | |
ScrollableResults |
QueryLoader.scroll(QueryParameters queryParameters,
SessionImplementor session)