Interface LobCreationContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
EventSource, SessionImplementor
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDelegateSessionImplementor, AbstractSessionImpl, SessionDelegatorBaseImpl, SessionImpl, StatelessSessionImpl, ToOneDelegateSessionImplementor

public interface LobCreationContext

Provides callback access into the context in which the LOB is to be created.

Nested Class Summary
static interface LobCreationContext.Callback<T>
          The callback contract for making use of the JDBC Connection.
Method Summary
<T> T
execute(LobCreationContext.Callback<T> callback)
          Execute the given callback, making sure it has access to a viable JDBC Connection.

Method Detail


<T> T execute(LobCreationContext.Callback<T> callback)
Execute the given callback, making sure it has access to a viable JDBC Connection.

callback - The callback to execute .
The LOB created by the callback.

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