Interface LiteralType<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
DiscriminatorType<T>, PrimitiveType<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
BigIntegerType, BooleanType, ByteType, CharacterNCharType, CharacterType, CharBooleanType, CurrencyType, CustomType, DateType, DbTimestampType, DoubleType, FloatType, IntegerType, LocaleType, LongType, NumericBooleanType, ShortType, StringNVarcharType, StringType, TimestampType, TimeType, TimeZoneType, TrueFalseType, UrlType, UUIDCharType, YesNoType

public interface LiteralType<T>

Additional contract for a Type that may appear as an SQL literal

Method Summary
 String objectToSQLString(T value, Dialect dialect)
          Convert the value into a string representation, suitable for embedding in an SQL statement as a literal.

Method Detail


String objectToSQLString(T value,
                         Dialect dialect)
                         throws Exception
Convert the value into a string representation, suitable for embedding in an SQL statement as a literal.

value - The value to convert
dialect - The SQL dialect
The value's string representation
Exception - Indicates an issue converting the value to literal string.

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