Hibernate documentation is organized into several guides that cover specific topics. This guide provides links to all the guides to give some direction on where to look for information.

This is still very much a work in progress. Help is definitely welcome!

User Guides


  • See the Metamodel Generator Guide for details on generating a JPA "Static Metamodel"

  • Guide on the Gradle plugin coming soon

  • Guide on the Ant tasks coming soon

  • Guide on the Maven plugin coming soon

Integrator Guides


  • These "topical guides" are developed using Asciidoctor. Meanwhile the legacy Hibernate reference manuals are written in DocBook. The conversion of knowledge into the "topical guide" format will take time and is an ongoing process. A huge way to help would be to create topical guide(s) and pull over the relevant information from the corresponding reference information. See the Jira task for a list of ideas

  • Reporting/fixing problems. Report any typos or inaccurate information to the Hibernate ORM Jira using the documentation component. Follow the same guidelines for contributing fixes and improvements as for contributing source code.