static Criterion |
Restrictions.allEq(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> propertyNameValues) |
Apply an "equals" constraint to each property in the key set of a Map
Criterion |
Property.between(java.lang.Object min,
java.lang.Object max) |
Creates a BETWEEN restriction for this property between the given min and max
static Criterion |
Restrictions.between(java.lang.String propertyName,
java.lang.Object low,
java.lang.Object high) |
Apply a "between" constraint to the named property
Criterion |
Property.eq(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a sub-query equality expression for this property
static Criterion |
Subqueries.eq(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given literal as being equal to the value in
the subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.eqAll(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a equals-all sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.eqAll(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal equals ALL the values in the
subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.eqOrIsNull(java.lang.Object value) |
Creates an equality restriction capable of also rendering as IS NULL if the given value is null
static Criterion |
Restrictions.eqOrIsNull(java.lang.String propertyName,
java.lang.Object value) |
Apply an "equal" constraint to the named property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.exists(DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks for the existence of rows in the subquery result
static Criterion |
Restrictions.fkEq(java.lang.String associationPropertyName,
java.lang.Object value) |
static Criterion |
Restrictions.fkIsNotNull(java.lang.String associationPropertyName) |
static Criterion |
Restrictions.fkIsNull(java.lang.String associationPropertyName) |
static Criterion |
Restrictions.fkNe(java.lang.String associationPropertyName,
java.lang.Object value) |
Criterion | subselect) |
Creates a sub-query greater-than-or-equal-to expression for this property
static Criterion | value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given literal as being greater-than-or-equal-to the
value in the subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.geAll(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a greater-than-or-equal-to-all sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.geAll(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is greater-than-or-equal-to ALL the values in the
subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.geSome(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a greater-than-or-equal-to-some sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.geSome(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is greater-than-or-equal-to SOME of the values
in the subquery result.
Criterion | subselect) |
Creates a sub-query greater-than expression for this property
static Criterion | value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given literal as being greater-than the value in
the subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.gtAll(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a greater-than-all sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.gtAll(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is greater-than ALL the values in the
subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.gtSome(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a greater-than-some sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.gtSome(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is greater-than SOME of the values in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Restrictions.idEq(java.lang.Object value) |
Apply an "equal" constraint to the identifier property
static Criterion |
Restrictions.ilike(java.lang.String propertyName,
java.lang.Object value) |
A case-insensitive "like" (similar to Postgres ilike operator)
static Criterion |
Restrictions.ilike(java.lang.String propertyName,
java.lang.String value,
MatchMode matchMode) |
A case-insensitive "like" (similar to Postgres ilike operator) using the provided match mode
Criterion | values) |
Creates an IN restriction for this property based on the given list of literals
Criterion | values) |
Creates an IN restriction for this property based on the given list of literals
Criterion | subselect) |
Creates a sub-query IN expression for this property.
static Criterion | propertyName,
java.lang.Object... values) |
Apply an "in" constraint to the named property.
static Criterion | propertyName,
java.util.Collection values) |
Apply an "in" constraint to the named property.
static Criterion | value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is IN the values in the
subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.isEmpty() |
Creates a restriction to check that a collection is empty
static Criterion |
Restrictions.isEmpty(java.lang.String propertyName) |
Constrain a collection valued property to be empty
Criterion |
Property.isNotEmpty() |
Creates a restriction to check that a collection is not empty
static Criterion |
Restrictions.isNotEmpty(java.lang.String propertyName) |
Constrain a collection valued property to be non-empty
Criterion |
Property.isNotNull() |
Creates a NOT NULL restriction
static Criterion |
Restrictions.isNotNull(java.lang.String propertyName) |
Apply an "is not null" constraint to the named property
Criterion |
Property.isNull() |
Creates a NULL restriction
static Criterion |
Restrictions.isNull(java.lang.String propertyName) |
Apply an "is null" constraint to the named property
Criterion |
Property.le(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a sub-query less-than-or-equal-to expression for this property
static Criterion |
Subqueries.le(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given literal as being less-than-or-equal-to the
value in the subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.leAll(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a less-than-or-equal-to-all sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.leAll(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is less-than-or-equal-to ALL the values in the
subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.leSome(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a less-than-or-equal-to-some sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.leSome(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is less-than-or-equal-to SOME of the values
in the subquery result.
Criterion | subselect) |
Creates a sub-query less-than expression for this property
static Criterion | value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given literal as being less-than the value in
the subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.ltAll(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a less-than-all sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.ltAll(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is less-than ALL the values in the
subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.ltSome(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a less-than-some sub-query expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.ltSome(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is less-than SOME of the values in the
subquery result.
Criterion | subselect) |
Creates a sub-query non-equality expression for this property
static Criterion | value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given literal as being not-equal to the value in
the subquery result.
Criterion |
Property.neOrIsNotNull(java.lang.Object value) |
Creates a non-equality restriction capable of also rendering as IS NOT NULL if the given value is null
static Criterion |
Restrictions.neOrIsNotNull(java.lang.String propertyName,
java.lang.Object value) |
Apply a "not equal" constraint to the named property.
static Criterion |
Restrictions.not(Criterion expression) |
Return the negation of an expression
static Criterion |
Subqueries.notExists(DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks for the non-existence of rows in the subquery result
Criterion |
Property.notIn(DetachedCriteria subselect) |
Creates a sub-query NOT IN expression for this property.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.notIn(java.lang.Object value,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a literal is NOT IN the values in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertiesEq(java.lang.String[] propertyNames,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of multiple given properties as being equal to the set of
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertiesIn(java.lang.String[] propertyNames,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of multiple given properties as being in to the set of
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertiesNotEq(java.lang.String[] propertyNames,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of multiple given properties as being not-equal to the set of
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertiesNotIn(java.lang.String[] propertyNames,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of multiple given properties as being not-in to the set of
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyEq(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property as being equal to the set of values in
the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyEqAll(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property equals ALL the values in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyGe(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is greater-than-or-equal-to the value
in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyGeAll(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is greater-than-or-equal-to ALL the
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyGeSome(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is greater-than-or-equal-to SOME of the
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyGt(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is greater-than the value in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyGtAll(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is greater-than ALL the values in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyGtSome(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is greater-than SOME of the
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyIn(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is in the set of values in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyLe(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is less-than-or-equal-to the value
in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyLeAll(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is less-than-or-equal-to ALL the
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyLeSome(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is less-than-or-equal-to SOME of the
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyLt(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is less-than the value in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyLtAll(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is less-than ALL the values in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyLtSome(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is less-than SOME of the
values in the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyNe(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is not equal to the value in the
subquery result.
static Criterion |
Subqueries.propertyNotIn(java.lang.String propertyName,
DetachedCriteria dc) |
Creates a criterion which checks that the value of a given property is not-in the set of values in
the subquery result.
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sizeEq(java.lang.String propertyName,
int size) |
Constrain a collection valued property by size
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sizeGe(java.lang.String propertyName,
int size) |
Constrain a collection valued property by size
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sizeGt(java.lang.String propertyName,
int size) |
Constrain a collection valued property by size
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sizeLe(java.lang.String propertyName,
int size) |
Constrain a collection valued property by size
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sizeLt(java.lang.String propertyName,
int size) |
Constrain a collection valued property by size
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sizeNe(java.lang.String propertyName,
int size) |
Constrain a collection valued property by size
static Criterion |
Expression.sql(java.lang.String sql) |
static Criterion |
Expression.sql(java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.Object[] values,
Type[] types) |
static Criterion |
Expression.sql(java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.Object value,
Type type) |
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sqlRestriction(java.lang.String sql) |
Apply a constraint expressed in SQL with no JDBC parameters.
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sqlRestriction(java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.Object[] values,
Type[] types) |
Create a restriction expressed in SQL with JDBC parameters.
static Criterion |
Restrictions.sqlRestriction(java.lang.String sql,
java.lang.Object value,
Type type) |
Create a restriction expressed in SQL with one JDBC parameter.