Package org.hibernate.engine.jdbc
Support for various aspects of JDBC interaction
Interface Summary Interface Description BinaryStream Wraps a binary stream to also provide the length which is needed when binding.BlobImplementer Marker interface for non-contextually createdBlob
instances..CharacterStream Wraps a character stream (reader) to also provide the length (number of characters) which is needed when binding.ClobImplementer Marker interface for non-contextually createdClob
instances..LobCreationContext Provides callback access into the context in which the LOB is to be created.LobCreationContext.Callback<T> The callback contract for making use of the JDBCConnection
.LobCreator Contract for creating various LOB references.NClobImplementer Marker interface for non-contextually created java.sql.NClob instances..WrappedBlob Contract forBlob
wrappers.WrappedClob Contract forClob
wrappers.WrappedNClob Contract forNClob
wrappers. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractLobCreator Convenient base class for proxy-based LobCreator for handling wrapping.BlobProxy Manages aspects of proxyingBlob
references for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations.ClobProxy Manages aspects of proxyingClobs
for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations.ColumnNameCache Cache of column-name -> column-index resolutionsContextualLobCreator LobCreator
implementation using contextual creation against the JDBCConnection
class's LOB creation methods.NClobProxy Manages aspects of proxying java.sql.NClobs for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations.NonContextualLobCreator LobCreator
implementation using non-contextual or local creation, meaning that we generate the LOB references ourselves as opposed to delegating to the JDBCConnection
.ReaderInputStream Exposes aReader
as anInputStream
.ResultSetWrapperProxy A proxy for a ResultSet delegate, responsible for locally caching the columnName-to-columnIndex resolution that has been found to be inefficient in a few vendor's drivers (i.e., Oracle and Postgres).SerializableBlobProxy Manages aspects of proxyingBlobs
to add serializability.SerializableClobProxy Manages aspects of proxyingClobs
to add serializability.SerializableNClobProxy Manages aspects of proxying java.sql.NClobs to add serializability.Size Models size restrictions/requirements on a column's datatype.StreamUtils Stream copying utilities -
Enum Summary Enum Description Size.LobMultiplier