Interface CollectionReference

    • Method Detail

      • getQuerySpaceUid

        java.lang.String getQuerySpaceUid()
        Obtain the UID of the QuerySpace (specifically a CollectionQuerySpace) that this CollectionReference refers to.
        The UID
      • getCollectionPersister

        CollectionPersister getCollectionPersister()
        Retrieves the CollectionPersister describing the collection associated with this CollectionReference.
        The CollectionPersister.
      • getIndexGraph

        CollectionFetchableIndex getIndexGraph()
        Retrieve the metadata about the index of this collection *as a FetchSource*. Will return null when:
        • the collection is not indexed
        • the index is not a composite, entity, or "any" (cannot act as a FetchSource)

        Works only for map keys, since a List index (int type) cannot act as a FetchSource.

        The collection index metadata as a FetchSource, or null.
      • getElementGraph

        CollectionFetchableElement getElementGraph()
        Retrieve the metadata about the elements of this collection *as a FetchSource*. Will return null when the element is not a composite, entity, or "any" (cannot act as a FetchSource). Works only for map keys, since a List index cannot be anything other than an int which cannot be a FetchSource.

        The collection element metadata as a FetchSource, or null.
      • getPropertyPath

        PropertyPath getPropertyPath()
        Retrieve the PropertyPath to this reference.
        The PropertyPath
      • allowElementJoin

        boolean allowElementJoin()
        Should a collection element join be allowed? Returning true indicates that an element join can safely be added.
        true, if a collection index join is allowed.
      • allowIndexJoin

        boolean allowIndexJoin()
        Should a collection index join be allowed? Returning true indicates that an index join can safely be added.
        true, if a collection index join is allowed.