Class EntityUpdateAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • EntityUpdateAction

        public EntityUpdateAction​(Object id,
                                  Object[] state,
                                  int[] dirtyProperties,
                                  boolean hasDirtyCollection,
                                  Object[] previousState,
                                  Object previousVersion,
                                  Object nextVersion,
                                  Object instance,
                                  Object rowId,
                                  EntityPersister persister,
                                  EventSource session)
        Constructs an EntityUpdateAction
        id - The entity identifier
        state - The current (extracted) entity state
        dirtyProperties - The indexes (in reference to state) properties with dirty state
        hasDirtyCollection - Were any collections dirty?
        previousState - The previous (stored) state
        previousVersion - The previous (stored) version
        nextVersion - The incremented version
        instance - The entity instance
        rowId - The entity's row id
        persister - The entity's persister
        session - The session
    • Method Detail

      • getState

        protected Object[] getState()
      • getPreviousState

        protected Object[] getPreviousState()
      • getNextVersion

        protected Object getNextVersion()
      • getDirtyFields

        protected int[] getDirtyFields()
      • hasDirtyCollection

        protected boolean hasDirtyCollection()
      • getPreviousNaturalIdValues

        protected Object getPreviousNaturalIdValues()
      • getRowId

        public Object getRowId()
      • setLock

        protected void setLock​(SoftLock lock)
      • setCacheEntry

        protected void setCacheEntry​(Object cacheEntry)
      • getPreviousVersion

        protected Object getPreviousVersion()
      • preUpdate

        protected boolean preUpdate()
      • postUpdate

        protected void postUpdate()
      • postCommitUpdate

        protected void postCommitUpdate​(boolean success)
      • doAfterTransactionCompletion

        public void doAfterTransactionCompletion​(boolean success,
                                                 SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
                                          throws CacheException
        Description copied from interface: AfterTransactionCompletionProcess
        Perform whatever processing is encapsulated here after completion of the transaction.
        success - Did the transaction complete successfully? True means it did.
        session - The session on which the transaction is completing.