Class PersistenceXmlParser

  • public class PersistenceXmlParser
    extends Object
    Used by Hibernate to parse persistence.xml files in SE environments.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PersistenceXmlParser

        protected PersistenceXmlParser​(ClassLoaderService classLoaderService,
                                       jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType defaultTransactionType)
    • Method Detail

      • locatePersistenceUnits

        public static List<ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor> locatePersistenceUnits​(Map integration)
        Find all persistence-units from all accessible META-INF/persistence.xml resources
        integration - The Map of integration settings
        List of descriptors for all discovered persistence-units.
      • locateIndividualPersistenceUnit

        public static ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor locateIndividualPersistenceUnit​(URL persistenceXmlUrl)
        Parse a specific persistence.xml with the assumption that it defines a single persistence-unit.
        persistenceXmlUrl - The persistence.xml URL
        The single persistence-unit descriptor
      • locateIndividualPersistenceUnit

        public static ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor locateIndividualPersistenceUnit​(URL persistenceXmlUrl,
                                                                                     Map integration)
        Parse a specific persistence.xml with the assumption that it defines a single persistence-unit.
        persistenceXmlUrl - The persistence.xml URL
        integration - The Map of integration settings
        The single persistence-unit descriptor
      • locateIndividualPersistenceUnit

        public static ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor locateIndividualPersistenceUnit​(URL persistenceXmlUrl,
                                                                                     jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType,
                                                                                     Map integration)
        Parse a specific persistence.xml with the assumption that it defines a single persistence-unit.
        persistenceXmlUrl - The persistence.xml URL
        transactionType - The specific PersistenceUnitTransactionType to incorporate into the persistence-unit descriptor
        integration - The Map of integration settings
        The single persistence-unit descriptor
      • locateNamedPersistenceUnit

        public static ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor locateNamedPersistenceUnit​(URL persistenceXmlUrl,
                                                                                String name)
        Parse a specific persistence.xml and return the descriptor for the persistence-unit with matching name
        persistenceXmlUrl - The persistence.xml URL
        name - The PU name to match
        The matching persistence-unit descriptor
      • locateNamedPersistenceUnit

        public static ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor locateNamedPersistenceUnit​(URL persistenceXmlUrl,
                                                                                String name,
                                                                                Map integration)
        Parse a specific persistence.xml and return the descriptor for the persistence-unit with matching name
        persistenceXmlUrl - The persistence.xml URL
        name - The PU name to match
        integration - The Map of integration settings
        The matching persistence-unit descriptor
      • locateNamedPersistenceUnit

        public static ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor locateNamedPersistenceUnit​(URL persistenceXmlUrl,
                                                                                String name,
                                                                                jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType,
                                                                                Map integration)
        Parse a specific persistence.xml and return the descriptor for the persistence-unit with matching name
        persistenceXmlUrl - The persistence.xml URL
        name - The PU name to match
        transactionType - The specific PersistenceUnitTransactionType to incorporate into the persistence-unit descriptor
        integration - The Map of integration settings
        The matching persistence-unit descriptor
      • parse

        public static Map<String,​ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor> parse​(URL persistenceXmlUrl,
                                                                             jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType)
        Intended only for use by Hibernate tests!

        Parses a specific persistence.xml file...

      • parse

        public static Map<String,​ParsedPersistenceXmlDescriptor> parse​(URL persistenceXmlUrl,
                                                                             jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType transactionType,
                                                                             Map integration)
        Generic method to parse a specified persistence.xml and return a Map of descriptors for all discovered persistence-units keyed by the PU name.
        persistenceXmlUrl - The URL of the persistence.xml to parse
        transactionType - The specific PersistenceUnitTransactionType to incorporate into the persistence-unit descriptor
        integration - The Map of integration settings
        Map of persistence-unit descriptors keyed by the PU name
      • parsePersistenceXml

        protected void parsePersistenceXml​(URL xmlUrl,
                                           Map integration)