Interface JpaCompliance

    • Method Detail

      • isJpaQueryComplianceEnabled

        boolean isJpaQueryComplianceEnabled()
        Controls whether Hibernate's handling of JPA's Query (JPQL, Criteria and native-query) should strictly follow the JPA spec. This includes parsing and translating a query as JPQL instead of HQL, as well as whether calls to the Query methods always throw the exceptions defined by the specification. Deviations result in an exception if enabled
        true indicates to behave in the spec-defined way
        See Also:
      • isJpaTransactionComplianceEnabled

        boolean isJpaTransactionComplianceEnabled()
        Indicates that Hibernate's Transaction should behave as defined by the specification for JPA's EntityTransaction since it extends it.
        true indicates to behave in the spec-defined way
        See Also:
      • isJpaListComplianceEnabled

        boolean isJpaListComplianceEnabled()
        Controls how Hibernate interprets a mapped List without no order column specified. Historically Hibernate treats this as a "bag", which is a concept JPA does not have.
        • If enabled, Hibernate will recognize this case as a list.
        • Otherwise, if disabled, Hibernate will treat it as a "bag".
        true indicates to behave in the spec-defined way, interpreting the mapping as a "list", rather than a "bag"
        See Also:
      • isJpaClosedComplianceEnabled

        boolean isJpaClosedComplianceEnabled()
        JPA defines specific exceptions on specific methods when called on EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory when those objects have been closed. This setting controls whether the spec defined behavior or Hibernate's behavior will be used.

        If enabled Hibernate will operate in the JPA specified way throwing exceptions when the spec says it should with regard to close checking

        true indicates to behave in the spec-defined way
        See Also:
      • isJpaProxyComplianceEnabled

        boolean isJpaProxyComplianceEnabled()
        JPA spec says that an EntityNotFoundException should be thrown when accessing an entity proxy which does not have an associated table row in the database.

        Traditionally, Hibernate does not initialize an entity Proxy when accessing its identifier since we already know the identifier value, hence we can save a database round trip.

        If enabled Hibernate will initialize the entity proxy even when accessing its identifier.

        true indicates to behave in the spec-defined way
        See Also:
      • isGlobalGeneratorScopeEnabled

        boolean isGlobalGeneratorScopeEnabled()
        Should the scope of and be considered globally or locally defined?
        true if the generator name scope is considered global
        See Also:
      • isJpaOrderByMappingComplianceEnabled

        boolean isJpaOrderByMappingComplianceEnabled()
        Should we strictly handle OrderBy expressions?

        JPA says the order-items can only be attribute references whereas Hibernate supports a wide range of items. With this enabled, Hibernate will throw a compliance error when a non-attribute-reference is used.

        See Also:
      • isLoadByIdComplianceEnabled

        boolean isLoadByIdComplianceEnabled()
        JPA says that the id passed to EntityManager.getReference(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object) and EntityManager.find(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object) should be exactly the expected type, allowing no type coercion.

        Historically, Hibernate behaved the same way. Since 6.0 however, Hibernate has the ability to coerce the passed type to the expected type. For example, an Integer may be widened to Long. Coercion is performed by calling JavaType.coerce(X,

        This setting controls whether such coercion should be allowed.

        See Also: