Interface Lockable

    • Method Detail

      • getRootTableName

        String getRootTableName()
        Locks are always applied to the "root table".
        The root table name
      • getRootTableAlias

        String getRootTableAlias​(String drivingAlias)
        Get the SQL alias this persister would use for the root table given the passed driving alias.
        drivingAlias - The driving alias; or the alias for the table mapped by this persister in the hierarchy.
        The root table alias.
      • getRootTableIdentifierColumnNames

        String[] getRootTableIdentifierColumnNames()
        Get the names of columns on the root table used to persist the identifier.
        The root table identifier column names.
      • getVersionColumnName

        String getVersionColumnName()
        For versioned entities, get the name of the column (again, expected on the root table) used to store the version values.
        The version column name.