Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hibernate.service.spi Package Description org.hibernate.agroal.internal Implementation of ConnectionProvider using Support for integrating Jakarta Bean Validationorg.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.internal org.hibernate.boot.internal org.hibernate.boot.registry Defines service registry contracts application are likely to want to utilize for configuring Hibernate The class loading service The class loading service The internals for building service org.hibernate.c3p0.internal Implementation of ConnectionProvider using the c3p0 Connection This package defines the API of the second-level cache Internal implementations and support for second-level org.hibernate.cache.spi Defines the integration aspect of Hibernate's second-level caching, allowing a "caching backend" to be plugged in as a cache Package intended for simplifying the worked needed to implement a caching This package abstracts over the multifarious dialects of SQL understood by the databases supported by Internal support for the configuration service implementationorg.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal Internals for JDBC batching Internals for accessing JDBC Connectionsorg.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi Defines contracts for accessing JDBC Connectionsorg.hibernate.engine.jdbc.cursor.internal Internals for JDBC REF_CURSOR Internal support for Dialect resolution (from JDBC metadata) and Dialect org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal Internals for supporting various aspects of JDBC interactionorg.hibernate.engine.jdbc.mutation.internal org.hibernate.engine.jndi.internal Internal contracts defining the JNDI support within Hibernateorg.hibernate.engine.query.spi Defines support for query plans and stored metadata about queriesorg.hibernate.engine.spi org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.spi org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal org.hibernate.event.internal This package defines a default set of event listeners that implement the default behaviors of Hibernate session Implementation of ConnectionProvider using org.hibernate.integrator.spi org.hibernate.internal An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined inorg.hibernate
.org.hibernate.persister.internal org.hibernate.proxool.internal Implementation of ConnectionProvider using the proxool Connection org.hibernate.resource.beans.container.spi org.hibernate.resource.beans.internal org.hibernate.resource.beans.spi org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jta.internal org.hibernate.resource.transaction.internal Internal implementation details for the resource-level transaction capabilities of Defines a framework for pluggable services, allowing for customization of key components of Hibernate, and abstraction of these components as SPI org.hibernate.service.spi org.hibernate.spatial.integration org.hibernate.stat.internal org.hibernate.testing.boot org.hibernate.testing.cache org.hibernate.testing.jdbc org.hibernate.testing.jta org.hibernate.testing.orm.jdbc org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal.script org.hibernate.vibur.internal Implementation of ConnectionProvider using ViburDBCP. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.agroal.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.beanvalidation Class Description SessionFactoryServiceRegistry SpecializedServiceRegistry
implementation that holds services which need access to theSessionFactory
during initialization. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.cfgxml.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.registry Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.internal Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.spi Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.registry.internal Class Description ServiceBinding Models a binding for a particular serviceServiceBinding.ServiceLifecycleOwner ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.c3p0.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.cache Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.SessionFactoryServiceRegistry SpecializedServiceRegistry
implementation that holds services which need access to theSessionFactory
during initialization.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.jcache.internal Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.spi Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.dialect Class Description ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.config.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.InjectService Annotation to allow services to request injection of other servicesServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.connections.spi Class Description ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.cursor.internal Class Description InjectService Annotation to allow services to request injection of other servicesServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.dialect.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.mutation.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jndi.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.query.spi Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.SessionFactoryServiceInitiator Contract for an initiator of services that target the specialized service registrySessionFactoryServiceRegistry
SessionFactoryServiceInitiatorContext -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.spi Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.SessionFactoryServiceInitiator Contract for an initiator of services that target the specialized service registrySessionFactoryServiceRegistry
SessionFactoryServiceInitiatorContext -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.spi Class Description ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceContributor Contract for contributing services.ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.SessionFactoryServiceRegistry SpecializedServiceRegistry
implementation that holds services which need access to theSessionFactory
during initialization.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.event.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.hikaricp.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.integrator.spi Class Description SessionFactoryServiceRegistry SpecializedServiceRegistry
implementation that holds services which need access to theSessionFactory
during initialization. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.internal Class Description ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.persister.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.proxool.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.beans.container.internal Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.beans.container.spi Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.beans.internal Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.beans.spi Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jta.internal Class Description ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.transaction.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.service Class Description ServiceException Indicates a problem with a service. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.service.internal Class Description ServiceBinding Models a binding for a particular serviceServiceBinding.ServiceLifecycleOwner ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.SessionFactoryServiceInitiator Contract for an initiator of services that target the specialized service registrySessionFactoryServiceRegistry
SessionFactoryServiceInitiatorContext SessionFactoryServiceRegistry SpecializedServiceRegistry
implementation that holds services which need access to theSessionFactory
during initialization.SessionFactoryServiceRegistryBuilder SessionFactoryServiceRegistryFactory Contract for builder ofSessionFactoryServiceRegistry
instances. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.service.spi Class Description ServiceBinding Models a binding for a particular serviceServiceBinding.ServiceLifecycleOwner ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.SessionFactoryServiceInitiator Contract for an initiator of services that target the specialized service registrySessionFactoryServiceRegistry
SessionFactoryServiceInitiatorContext SessionFactoryServiceRegistry SpecializedServiceRegistry
implementation that holds services which need access to theSessionFactory
during initialization.SessionFactoryServiceRegistryBuilder -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.spatial.integration Class Description ServiceContributor Contract for contributing services. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.stat.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.SessionFactoryServiceInitiator Contract for an initiator of services that target the specialized service registrySessionFactoryServiceRegistry
SessionFactoryServiceInitiatorContext -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.boot Class Description ServiceBinding.ServiceLifecycleOwner ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.cache Class Description Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.jdbc Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.jta Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.orm.jdbc Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit Class Description ServiceContributor Contract for contributing services. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryAwareService Allows services to be injected with theServiceRegistry
during configuration phase.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.tool.schema.internal.script Class Description ServiceInitiator Base contract for an initiator of a service.ServiceRegistryImplementor Additional integration contracts for a service registry. -
Classes in org.hibernate.service.spi used by org.hibernate.vibur.internal Class Description Configurable Allows the service to request access to the configuration properties for configuring itself.Stoppable Lifecycle contract for services which wish to be notified when it is time to stop.Wrapped Optional contract for services that wrap stuff that to which it is useful to have access.