Interface ScanEnvironment

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ScanEnvironment
    Describes the environment in which the scan will occur.

    Note that much of this comes from the PU in JPA sense. This is intended as an abstraction over the PU in JPA cases, as well as a delegate allowing usage in non-JPA cases. With the planned move to unify the cfg.xml and persistence.xml schemas (like we are doing with hbm.xml and orm.xml) this becomes less needed (at least parts of it).

    After unification, I think the biggest difference is that we will not need to pass ScanEnvironment into the MetadataSources/MetadataBuilder while for the time being we will need to.

    • Method Detail

      • getRootUrl

        URL getRootUrl()
        Returns the root URL for scanning. Can be null, indicating that no root URL scanning should be done (aka, if maybe a root URL is not known).
        The root URL
        See Also:
      • getExplicitlyListedClassNames

        List<String> getExplicitlyListedClassNames()
        Returns any classes which are explicitly listed as part of the "persistence unit".
        The explicitly listed classes
      • getExplicitlyListedMappingFiles

        List<String> getExplicitlyListedMappingFiles()
        Returns the mapping files which are explicitly listed as part of the "persistence unit".
        The explicitly listed mapping files.