AbstractPropertyHolder |
No idea.
AnnotatedColumn |
Wrap state of an EJB3 @Column annotation
and build the Hibernate column mapping element
AnnotatedDiscriminatorColumn |
Discriminator column
AnnotatedJoinColumn |
Wrap state of an EJB3 @JoinColumn annotation
and build the Hibernate column mapping element
AnnotationBinder |
JSR 175 annotation binder which reads the annotations from classes, applies the
principles of the EJB3 spec and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel
(the classes in the org.hibernate.mapping package)
AttributeConversionInfo |
Describes a Convert conversion
BaselineSessionEventsListenerBuilder |
BinderHelper |
ClassPropertyHolder |
CollectionPropertyHolder |
CollectionSecondPass |
Collection second pass
ComponentPropertyHolder |
PropertyHolder for composites (Embeddable/Embedded).
Configuration |
CopyIdentifierComponentSecondPass |
CreateKeySecondPass |
DefaultComponentSafeNamingStrategy |
DefaultNamingStrategy |
Environment |
Provides access to configuration properties passed in Properties objects.
FkSecondPass |
IdGeneratorResolverSecondPass |
ImprovedNamingStrategy |
An improved naming strategy that prefers embedded
underscores to mixed case names
IndexColumn |
index column
IndexOrUniqueKeySecondPass |
InheritanceState |
Some extra data to the inheritance position of a class.
InheritanceState.ElementsToProcess |
JoinedSubclassFkSecondPass |
JPAIndexHolder |
OneToOneSecondPass |
We have to handle OneToOne in a second pass because:
PersistenceStandardEntityResolver |
Resolve JPA xsd files locally
Hibernate OGM uses this class, consider this some kind of exposed service at the SPI level
PersistenceStandardNamingStrategy |
Naming strategy implementing the EJB3 standards
PkDrivenByDefaultMapsIdSecondPass |
PropertyHolderBuilder |
This factory is here to build a PropertyHolder and prevent .mapping interface adding
PropertyInferredData |
Retrieve all inferred data from an annotated element
PropertyPreloadedData |
SecondaryTableFromAnnotationSecondPass |
SecondaryTableSecondPass |
SetBasicValueTypeSecondPass |
SimpleToOneFkSecondPass |
A simple second pass that just creates the foreign key
ToOneBinder |
Work in progress
The goal of this class is to aggregate all operations
related to ToOne binding operations
ToOneFkSecondPass |
Enable a proper set of the FK columns in respect with the id column order
Allow the correct implementation of the default EJB3 values which needs both
sides of the association to be resolved
UniqueConstraintHolder |
UniqueConstraint annotations are handled via second pass.
VerifyFetchProfileReferenceSecondPass |
WrappedInferredData |