Class LobCreatorBuilder

  • public class LobCreatorBuilder
    extends Object
    Builds LobCreator instances based on the capabilities of the environment.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LobCreatorBuilder

        public LobCreatorBuilder​(Map<String,​Object> configValues,
                                 Connection jdbcConnection)
        The public factory method for obtaining the appropriate according to given JDBC Connection.
        configValues - The map of settings
        jdbcConnection - A JDBC Connection which can be used to gauge the drivers level of support, specifically for creating LOB references.
      • LobCreatorBuilder

        public LobCreatorBuilder​(Properties configValues,
                                 Connection jdbcConnection)
    • Method Detail

      • buildLobCreator

        public LobCreator buildLobCreator​(LobCreationContext lobCreationContext)
        Build a LobCreator using the given context
        lobCreationContext - The LOB creation context
        The LobCreator