Package org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal
Interface Summary Interface Description DeleteHandler Handler for dealing with multi-table SQM DELETE queries.Handler Simply as a matter of code structuring it is often worthwhile to put all of the execution code into a separate handler (executor) class.InsertHandler Handler for dealing with multi-table SQM INSERT queries.MultiTableSqmMutationConverter.SqmParameterResolutionConsumer UpdateHandler Handler for dealing with multi-table SQM UPDATE queries. -
Class Summary Class Description MatchingIdSelectionHelper Helper used to generate the SELECT for selection of an entity's identifier, here specifically intended to be used as the SELECT portion of a multi-table SQM mutationMultiTableSqmMutationConverter Specialized BaseSqmToSqlAstConverter implementation used during conversion of an SQM mutation query tree representing into the various SQL AST trees needed to perform that operation.SqmInsertStrategyHelper SqmMutationStrategyHelper TableKeyExpressionCollector