Class SDOGeometryType

    • Constructor Detail

      • SDOGeometryType

        public SDOGeometryType​( typeFactory,
                               boolean useSTGeometry)
        Constructs a SqlTypeDescriptor for the Oracle SDOGeometry type.
        typeFactory - the type factory to use.
        useSTGeometry -
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultSqlTypeCode

        public int getDefaultSqlTypeCode()
        Description copied from interface: JdbcType
        A JDBC type code that identifies the SQL column type.

        This value might be different from #getDdlTypeCode() if the actual type e.g. JSON is emulated through a type like CLOB.

        Specified by:
        getDefaultSqlTypeCode in interface JdbcType
        a JDBC type code
      • getBinder

        public <X> ValueBinder<X> getBinder​(JavaType<X> javaTypeDescriptor)
        Description copied from interface: JdbcType
        Obtain a binder object capable of binding values of the given Java type to parameters of a JDBC PreparedStatement.
        Specified by:
        getBinder in interface JdbcType
        javaTypeDescriptor - The descriptor describing the types of Java values to be bound
        The appropriate binder.
      • getExtractor

        public <X> ValueExtractor<X> getExtractor​(JavaType<X> javaType)
        Description copied from interface: JdbcType
        Obtain an extractor object capable of extracting values of the given Java type from a JDBC ResultSet.
        Specified by:
        getExtractor in interface JdbcType
        javaType - The descriptor describing the types of Java values to be extracted
        The appropriate extractor
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        Returns the Oracle type name for SDOGeometry.
        the Oracle type name