Package org.hibernate.boot.archive.spi
Defines an SPI for scanning
of archives
for discovery of managed resources.
Interface Summary Interface Description ArchiveContext Describes the context for visiting the entries within an archiveArchiveDescriptor Models a logical archive, which might be a jar file a zip file an exploded directory etcArchiveDescriptorFactory Contract for building ArchiveDescriptor instances.ArchiveEntry Represent an entry in the archive.ArchiveEntryHandler Handler for archive entries, based on the classified type of the entryInputStreamAccess Contract for building InputStreams, especially in on-demand situationsJarFileEntryUrlAdjuster Optional contract for ArchiveDescriptorFactory implementations to implement to be able to adjust<jar-file/>
URL's defined inpersistence.xml
files. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractArchiveDescriptor Base support for ArchiveDescriptor implementors.AbstractArchiveDescriptorFactory -
Exception Summary Exception Description ArchiveException Indicates a problem accessing or visiting the archive