AnyDiscriminatorSource |
Source information about the discriminator for an ANY mapping
AnyKeySource |
AnyMappingSource |
Base description for all discriminated associations ("any mappings"), including
<any/> , <many-to-any/> , etc.
AssociationSource |
AttributeSource |
Contract for sources of persistent attribute descriptions.
AttributeSourceContainer |
CascadeStyleSource |
Describes sources which define cascading.
CollectionIdSource |
ColumnBindingDefaults |
ColumnsAndFormulasSourceContainer |
ColumnSource |
Contract for source information pertaining to a physical column definition specific to a particular attribute
CompositeIdentifierSource |
Common contract for composite identifiers.
DerivedValueSource |
Contract describing source of a derived value (formula).
DiscriminatorSource |
Contract for sources of information about a mapped discriminator.
EmbeddableMapping |
Unifying contract for consuming JAXB types which describe an embeddable (in JPA terms).
EmbeddableSource |
Represents the binding source for an "embeddable" (in JPA terms)
or "composite" (in legacy Hibernate terms).
EmbeddableSourceContributor |
Contract for things that can contain EmbeddableSource definitions.
EmbeddedAttributeMapping |
Unifying contract for any JAXB types which describe an embedded (in JPA terms).
EntityHierarchySource |
Models the source-agnostic view of an entity hierarchy.
EntityNamingSource |
Naming information about an entity.
EntityNamingSourceContributor |
EntitySource |
Contract describing source of information related to mapping an entity.
FetchableAttributeSource |
Describes source for attributes which can be fetched.
FetchCharacteristics |
FetchCharacteristicsPluralAttribute |
FetchCharacteristicsSingularAssociation |
FilterSource |
Defines the source of filter information.
ForeignKeyContributingSource |
Additional contract for things which describe foreign keys.
HibernateTypeSource |
Source-agnostic descriptor for explicit user-supplied Hibernate type information
IdentifiableTypeSource |
Common contract between Entity and MappedSuperclass sources.
IdentifierSource |
Contract describing source of identifier information for the entity.
IdentifierSourceAggregatedComposite |
IdentifierSourceNonAggregatedComposite |
IdentifierSourceSimple |
Additional contract describing the source of an identifier mapping whose nature is
InLineViewSource |
Describes in-line view source information.
JavaTypeDescriptorResolvable |
JoinedSubclassEntitySource |
JpaCallbackSource |
LocalMetadataBuildingContext |
Specialization of the MetadataBuildingContext contract specific to a given origin.
MapsIdSource |
Describes a relationship annotated with MapsId
MetadataSourceProcessor |
Defines the steps in processing metadata sources.
MultiTenancySource |
Describes the source information related to mapping the multi-tenancy of an entity
Orderable |
Contact to define if a plural attribute source is orderable or not.
PluralAttributeElementSource |
PluralAttributeElementSourceAssociation |
PluralAttributeElementSourceBasic |
Describes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural
attributes) where the elements are basic types
PluralAttributeElementSourceEmbedded |
Describes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural
attributes) where the elements are composites/embeddables.
PluralAttributeElementSourceManyToAny |
Describes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural
attributes) where the elements are defined by Hibernate's any mapping
PluralAttributeElementSourceManyToMany |
Describes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural
attributes) where the elements are many-to-many association
PluralAttributeElementSourceOneToMany |
Describes the source for the elements of persistent collections (plural
attributes) where the elements are a one-to-many association
PluralAttributeIndexSource |
Highly abstract concept of the index of an "indexed persistent collection".
PluralAttributeKeySource |
Describes the source mapping of plural-attribute (collection) foreign-key information.
PluralAttributeMapKeyManyToAnySource |
PluralAttributeMapKeyManyToManySource |
Additional source information for <map-key-many-to-many/> and
<index-many-to-many/> .
PluralAttributeMapKeySource |
Describes source information about the key of a persistent map.
PluralAttributeMapKeySourceBasic |
PluralAttributeMapKeySourceEmbedded |
PluralAttributeSequentialIndexSource |
Defines the index of a persistent list/array
PluralAttributeSource |
PluralAttributeSourceArray |
RelationalValueSource |
RelationalValueSourceContainer |
SecondaryTableSource |
SingularAttributeSource |
Source-agnostic description of information needed to bind a singular attribute.
SingularAttributeSourceAny |
Describes an <any/> mapping
SingularAttributeSourceBasic |
SingularAttributeSourceEmbedded |
Represents the binding source for a singular attribute that is "embedded"
or "composite".
SingularAttributeSourceManyToOne |
SingularAttributeSourceOneToOne |
SingularAttributeSourceToOne |
Further contract for sources of singular associations (one-to-one and many-to-one ).
SizeSource |
Sortable |
Contact to define if the source of plural attribute is sortable or not.
SubclassEntitySource |
TableSource |
Contract describing source of table information
TableSpecificationSource |
Contract describing source of "table specification" information.
ToolingHintContextContainer |
VersionAttributeSource |