Interface StrategySelector

    • Method Detail

      • registerStrategyImplementor

        <T> void registerStrategyImplementor​(Class<T> strategy,
                                             String name,
                                             Class<? extends T> implementation)
        Registers a named implementor of a particular strategy contract.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The strategy contract.
        name - The registration name
        implementation - The implementation Class
      • unRegisterStrategyImplementor

        <T> void unRegisterStrategyImplementor​(Class<T> strategy,
                                               Class<? extends T> implementation)
        Un-registers a named implementor of a particular strategy contract. Un-registers all named registrations for the given strategy contract naming the given class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The strategy contract.
        implementation - The implementation Class
      • selectStrategyImplementor

        <T> Class<? extends T> selectStrategyImplementor​(Class<T> strategy,
                                                         String name)
        Locate the named strategy implementation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type of strategy to be resolved.
        name - The name of the strategy to locate; might be either a registered name or the implementation FQN.
        The named strategy implementation class.
      • resolveStrategy

        <T> T resolveStrategy​(Class<T> strategy,
                              Object strategyReference)
        Resolve strategy instances. See discussion on resolveDefaultableStrategy(java.lang.Class<T>, java.lang.Object, T). Only difference is that here, the implied default value is null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type (interface) of the strategy to be resolved.
        strategyReference - The reference to the strategy for which we need to resolve an instance.
        The strategy instance
      • resolveDefaultableStrategy

        <T> T resolveDefaultableStrategy​(Class<T> strategy,
                                         Object strategyReference,
                                         T defaultValue)
        Resolve strategy instances. The incoming reference might be:
        • null - in which case defaultValue is returned.
        • An actual instance of the strategy type - it is returned, as is
        • A reference to the implementation Class - an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance() (aka, the class's no-arg ctor).
        • The name of the implementation class - First the implementation's Class reference is resolved, and then an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance()
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type (interface) of the strategy to be resolved.
        strategyReference - The reference to the strategy for which we need to resolve an instance.
        defaultValue - THe default value to use if strategyReference is null
        The strategy instance
      • resolveDefaultableStrategy

        <T> T resolveDefaultableStrategy​(Class<T> strategy,
                                         Object strategyReference,
                                         Callable<T> defaultResolver)
        Resolve strategy instances. The incoming reference might be:
        • null - in which case defaultValue is returned.
        • An actual instance of the strategy type - it is returned, as is
        • A reference to the implementation Class - an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance() (aka, the class's no-arg ctor).
        • The name of the implementation class - First the implementation's Class reference is resolved, and then an instance is created by calling Class.newInstance()
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the strategy. Used to make sure that the strategy and implementation are type compatible.
        strategy - The type (interface) of the strategy to be resolved.
        strategyReference - The reference to the strategy for which we need to resolve an instance.
        defaultResolver - A strategy for resolving the default value strategyReference resolves to null.
        The strategy instance
      • resolveStrategy

        <T> T resolveStrategy​(Class<T> strategy,
                              Object strategyReference,
                              T defaultValue,
                              StrategyCreator<T> creator)
      • getRegisteredStrategyImplementors

        <T> Collection<Class<? extends T>> getRegisteredStrategyImplementors​(Class<T> strategy)
        Retrieve all of the registered implementors of the given strategy. Useful to allow defaulting the choice to the single registered implementor when only one is registered
        The implementors. Should never return null