Package org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi
Interface Summary Interface Description ExtractedDatabaseMetaData Information extracted fromDatabaseMetaData
regarding what the JDBC driver reports as being supported or not.IdentifierHelper Helper for handlingIdentifier
instances.JdbcEnvironment Initial look at this concept we keep talking about with merging information fromDatabaseMetaData
LobCreatorBuilder QualifiedObjectNameFormatter Contract for rendering qualified object names for use in queries, etc.SchemaNameResolver Contract for resolving the schema of aConnection
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Class Summary Class Description AnsiSqlKeywords Maintains the set of ANSI SQL keywordsIdentifierHelperBuilder Builder for IdentifierHelper instances. -
Enum Summary Enum Description IdentifierCaseStrategy An enumeration of the way DatabaseMetaData might store and return identifiersNameQualifierSupport Enumerated values representing the level of support for catalog and schema.SQLStateType Enum interpretation of the valid values fromDatabaseMetaData.getSQLStateType()