Interface AuditWorkUnit

    • Method Detail

      • getEntityId

        Object getEntityId()
      • getEntityName

        String getEntityName()
      • containsWork

        boolean containsWork()
      • isPerformed

        boolean isPerformed()
      • perform

        void perform​(Session session,
                     Object revisionData)
        Perform this work unit in the given session.
        session - Session, in which the work unit should be performed.
        revisionData - The current revision data, which will be used to populate the work unit with the correct revision relation.
      • undo

        void undo​(Session session)
      • generateData

        Map<String,​Object> generateData​(Object revisionData)
        revisionData - The current revision data, which will be used to populate the work unit with the correct revision relation.
        Generates data that should be saved when performing this work unit.
      • getRevisionType

        RevisionType getRevisionType()
        Performed modification type.