Class StringTools

  • public abstract class StringTools
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringTools

        public StringTools()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(String s)
      • isEmpty

        public static boolean isEmpty​(Object o)
      • getLastComponent

        public static String getLastComponent​(String s)
        s - String, from which to get the last component.
        The last component of the dot-separated string s. For example, for a string "a.b.c", the result is "c".
      • append

        public static void append​(StringBuilder sb,
                                  Iterator<String> contents,
                                  String separator)
        To the given string builder, appends all strings in the given iterator, separating them with the given separator. For example, for an interator "a" "b" "c" and separator ":" the output is "a:b:c".
        sb - String builder, to which to append.
        contents - Strings to be appended.
        separator - Separator between subsequent content.
      • capitalizeFirst

        public static String capitalizeFirst​(String fieldName)
        Capitalizes first letter of the string
        fieldName - field name
        capitalized string