ArrayHelper |
BoundedConcurrentHashMap<K,V> |
A hash table supporting full concurrency of retrievals and
adjustable expected concurrency for updates.
CaseInsensitiveDictionary<V> |
Wraps a ConcurrentHashMap having all keys as Strings
and ensures all keys are lowercased.
CollectionHelper |
Various helper util methods for handling collections.
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap<K,V> |
An advanced hash table supporting configurable garbage collection semantics
of keys and values, optional referential-equality, full concurrency of
retrievals, and adjustable expected concurrency for updates.
IdentityMap<K,V> |
A Map where keys are compared by object identity,
rather than equals() .
IdentitySet<E> |
Set implementation that use == instead of equals() as its comparison
JoinedIterable<T> |
A JoinedIterable is an Iterable that wraps a number of Iterables.
JoinedIterator<T> |
An Iterator implementation that wraps other Iterators, and presents them all as one
continuous Iterator.
JoinedList<E> |
LazyIndexedMap<K,V> |
This is an internal data structure designed for very specific needs;
it will most often be used as a replacement for EnumMap, although
the focus on the Enum aspect is modelled as an int primitive:
think of using the ordinals of an Enum to simulate the EnumMap.
LazySet<T> |
LinkedIdentityHashMap<K,V> |
Utility IdentityHashMap implementation that maintains predictable iteration order,
with special care for keys iteration efficiency, and uses reference equality
LockModeEnumMap<V> |
A concurrent safe EnumMap<LockMode>, suitable to
lazily associate values to the enum keys.
MapBackedClassValue<V> |
For efficient lookup based on Class types as key,
a ClassValue should be used; however it requires
lazy association of values; this helper wraps
a plain HashMap but optimises lookups via the ClassValue.
SingletonIterator<T> |
StandardStack<T> |
A general-purpose stack impl supporting null values.