Interface DotIdentifierConsumer

    • Method Detail

      • consumeIdentifier

        void consumeIdentifier​(String identifier,
                               boolean isBase,
                               boolean isTerminal)
        Responsible for consuming each part of the path. Called sequentially for each part.
        identifier - The current part of the path being processed
        isBase - Is this the base of the path (the first token)?
        isTerminal - Is this the terminus of the path (last token)?
      • consumeTreat

        void consumeTreat​(String entityName,
                          boolean isTerminal)
        Responsible for consuming each part of the path. Called sequentially for each part.
        entityName - The treat target entity name
        isTerminal - Is this the terminus of the path (last token)?
      • getConsumedPart

        SemanticPathPart getConsumedPart()
        Get the currently consumed part. Generally called after the whole path has been processed at which point this will return the final outcome of the consumption