Package org.hibernate.query.spi
Contains a range of internal abstractions for dealing with query execution,
query plans, query options, and query parameters.
Interface Summary Interface Description CloseableIterator<T> Unification of Iterator and AutoCloseableDomainQueryExecutionContext Context for execution ofQuery
"HqlInterpretation MutableQueryOptions NonSelectQueryPlan ParameterMetadataImplementor ProcedureParameterMetadataImplementor QueryEngineOptions User configuration options related to theQueryEngine
.QueryImplementor<R> QueryInterpretationCache Cache for various parts of translating or interpreting queries.QueryInterpretationCache.Key QueryOptions Encapsulates options for the execution of a HQL/Criteria/native queryQueryParameterBinding<T> /** The value/type binding information for a particular query parameter.QueryParameterBindings Manages all the parameter bindings for a particular query.QueryParameterBindingTypeResolver A resolver forBindableType
based on a parameter value being bound, when no explicit type information is supplied.QueryParameterImplementor<T> QueryParameterListBinding<T> Represents a "parameter list" binding: aka the binding of a collection of values for a single query parameter.QueryPlan Common contract for select and mutation query plansQueryPlanCache A cache forQueryPlan
s used (and produced) by the translation and execution of a query.QueryPlanCache.Key QueryProducerImplementor The internal contract for QueryProducer implementations.ScrollableResultsImplementor<R> SelectQueryPlan<R> General contract for performing execution of a query returning results.SqmQuery Query based on an SQM tree. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractCommonQueryContract AbstractQuery<R> AbstractQueryParameter<T> AbstractSelectionQuery<R> DelegatingQueryOptions Limit Paging limitsQueryEngine Aggregation and encapsulation of the components Hibernate uses to execute queries (HQL, Criteria and native)QueryOptionsAdapter QueryParameterBindingValidator SimpleHqlInterpretationImpl SqlOmittingQueryOptions