Package org.hibernate.query.sqm
This package defines a semantic model of HQL queries.
Semantic Query Model (SQM)
An SQM is a tree representing the semantic interpretation of a query. It's "semantic" in the sense that it contains more information than a simple syntax tree.HQL
HQL is interpreted as an SQM with the help of an ANTRL-generated parser. The classSemanticQueryBuilder
is responsible for visiting the syntax tree produced by the parser and
building an SQM.
Criteria queries
The SQM tree nodes directly implement the JPA criteria query contracts. For example,SqmFrom
Our implementation of the JPA
interface is
It instantiates SQM nodes and arranges them into SQM tree using the
standard operations for building a JPA criteria query.
Transforming SQM to SQL
The packageorg.hibernate.sql.ast
defines an AST representing
SQL. To generate SQL from SQM, we must transform the SQM tree to a
SQL AST tree. This process is described
here, and is handled by a
and a SqlAstTranslator
.- API Note:
- This entire package is in an incubating state.
Interface Summary Interface Description NodeBuilder Adapts the JPA CriteriaBuilder to generate SQM nodes.SemanticQueryWalker<T> Support for walking a Semantic Query Model (SQM) treeSqmExpressible<J> Anything in the application domain model that can be used in an SQM query as an expressionSqmJoinable<O,E> Specialization for attributes that that can be used in creating SQM joins todo (6.0) : should we define this for entities as well to handle cross joins and "entity joins"? - the result type would need to change to just SqmJoin...SqmPathSource<J> Represents parts of the application's domain model that can be used to createSqmPath
nodes.SqmSelectionQuery<R> SqmTreeCreationLogger Logger used to log information about the creation of an SQM tree.SqmTreeTransformationLogger -
Enum Summary Enum Description BinaryArithmeticOperator Enumeration of standard binary arithmetic operatorsCastType Defines the set of basic types which should be accepted by thecast()
function on every platform.ComparisonOperator Defines the comparison operators.DynamicInstantiationNature Represents the type of instantiation to be performed.FetchClauseType The kind of fetch to use for theFETCH
clause.FrameExclusion FrameKind FrameMode IntervalType The different types of intervals that SQL defines.NullOrdering The order of null.NullPrecedence Defines precedence of null values withinORDER BY
clause.SetOperator The SQL set operators.SortOrder SqmQuerySource Informational - used to identify the source of an SQM statement.StrictJpaComplianceViolation.Type TemporalUnit A temporal field type which can occur as an argument toextract()
or as the unit of a duration expression.TrimSpec UnaryArithmeticOperator -
Exception Summary Exception Description AliasCollisionException InterpretationException Represents a general uncaught problem performing the interpretation.LiteralNumberFormatException ParsingException The root exception for errors (potential bugs) in the sqm parser code itself, as opposed toSemanticException
which indicates problems with the query itself.StrictJpaComplianceViolation Indicates violations of strict JPQL syntax while strict JPQL syntax checking was enabled.UnknownEntityException Indicates we were not able to resolve a given "path structure" as an entity name.UnknownPathException todo (6.0) : account for this in the "exception conversion" handling