Class OracleTruncFunction

    • Constructor Detail

      • OracleTruncFunction

        public OracleTruncFunction​(TypeConfiguration typeConfiguration)
    • Method Detail

      • generateSqmFunctionExpression

        protected <T> SelfRenderingSqmFunction<T> generateSqmFunctionExpression​(List<? extends SqmTypedNode<?>> arguments,
                                                                                ReturnableType<T> impliedResultType,
                                                                                QueryEngine queryEngine)
        Description copied from class: AbstractSqmFunctionDescriptor
        Return an SQM node or subtree representing an invocation of this function with the given arguments. This method may be overridden in the case of function descriptors that wish to customize creation of the node.
        generateSqmFunctionExpression in class TruncFunction
        arguments - the arguments of the function invocation
        impliedResultType - the function return type as inferred from its usage