Interface JdbcServices

    • Method Detail

      • getDialect

        Dialect getDialect()
        Obtain the dialect of the database.
      • getSqlStatementLogger

        SqlStatementLogger getSqlStatementLogger()
        Obtain service for logging SQL statements.
        The SQL statement logger.
      • getParameterMarkerStrategy

        ParameterMarkerStrategy getParameterMarkerStrategy()
        Obtains the service used for marking SQL parameters
        the registered ParameterMarkerStrategy implementation.
      • getSqlExceptionHelper

        SqlExceptionHelper getSqlExceptionHelper()
        Obtain service for dealing with exceptions.
        The exception helper service.
      • getExtractedMetaDataSupport

        ExtractedDatabaseMetaData getExtractedMetaDataSupport()
        Obtain information about supported behavior reported by the JDBC driver.

        Yuck, yuck, yuck! Much prefer this to be part of a "basic settings" type object.

        The extracted database metadata, oddly enough :)
      • getLobCreator

        LobCreator getLobCreator​(LobCreationContext lobCreationContext)
        Create an instance of a LobCreator appropriate for the current environment, mainly meant to account for variance between:
        • JDBC 4 (<= JDK 1.6) and
        • JDBC 3 (>= JDK 1.5).
        lobCreationContext - The context in which the LOB is being created
        The LOB creator.