Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hibernate.engine.spi Package Description org.hibernate This package defines the central Hibernate APIs, beginning withSessionFactory
, which represents an instance of Hibernate at runtime and is the source of new instances ofSession
, the most important APIs exposing persistence-related operations for The various concrete action This SPI package defines an abstraction over the notion of an "action" which is scheduled for asynchronous execution by the event This package contains the interfaces that make up the bootstrap API for Support for integrating Jakarta Bean org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.internal JAXB org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.mapping org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.mapping.marshall org.hibernate.boot.model This package defines the boot-time metamodel, which is an interpretation of the domain model (entity classes, embeddable classes, and attributes) and the mapping of these "domain model parts" to the Support for handling named queries during the bootstrap A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building package containing bytecode enhancement code (internals)org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.internal.tracker specialized classes to keep track of changesorg.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi Package defining bytecode code enhancement (instrumentation) Support for bytecode interceptor org.hibernate.bytecode.internal.bytebuddy Byte Buddy support internalsorg.hibernate.bytecode.spi Package defining bytecode code enhancement (instrumentation) An SPI modelling various aspects of the second-level cache Internal implementations and support for second-level org.hibernate.cache.spi Defines the integration aspect of Hibernate's second-level caching, allowing a "caching backend" to be plugged in as a cache Defines contracts for transactional and concurrent access to cached entity and collection This package defines formats for disassembled state kept in the second level This package provides a framework intended to reduce the work needed to implement a caching Internal implementations and support for persistent This package defines the SPI of a framework for lazy-initializing and state-tracking collection Internal implementations and support around "current session" SPI-level contracts around "current session" and "current tenant" This package abstracts over the multifarious dialects of SQL understood by the databases supported by Support forDialect
-specific identity column Support for temporary Support for many of the internal workings of Internals for JDBC batching Package defining support for executing mutation SQL statements produced by the persister for an entity or org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.mutation.internal org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.mutation.spi org.hibernate.engine.query.internal org.hibernate.engine.query.spi An SPI for dealing with parameters of native This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of org.hibernate.envers.event.spi org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.component org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.lazy org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.query org.hibernate.envers.internal.reader org.hibernate.envers.internal.synchronization org.hibernate.event.internal This package defines a default set of event listeners that implement the default behaviors of Hibernate session Defines the event types and event listener interfaces for events produced by the statefulSession
.org.hibernate.generator This package defines an abstraction over all kinds of automatic value generation, including id generation and version number org.hibernate.graph Implements and extends the JPA-defined entity graph This package and its subpackages,
, contain the built-in id generators, all of which implement eitherIdentifierGenerator
orPostInsertIdentifierGenerator Enhanced/improved versions of table and sequence based identifier generators targeting portability and unified Contains a framework of strategies for retrieving database-generated Contains theUuidGenerator
.org.hibernate.integrator.spi An SPI for extensions which integrate with Hibernate via the JavaServiceLoader An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined inorg.hibernate
.org.hibernate.internal.log org.hibernate.internal.util Internal utility classesorg.hibernate.jdbc Defines the notion of a unit of JDBC work that may be executed by the session at the request of the Defines Hibernate implementation of Java Persistence Validation for HQL org.hibernate.loader.ast.spi org.hibernate.loader.internal org.hibernate.mapping This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time mapping This package defines an API for accessing details about model org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping Defines the runtime mapping metamodel, which describes the mapping of the application's domain model parts (entities, attributes) to relational database objects (tables, columns).org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping.internal org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping.ordering Support for set and map orderingorg.hibernate.metamodel.model.domain.internal Implementation of the SPI for the runtime domain An SPI supporting custom instantiation of entity instances and embeddable This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for Defines support for performing mutation operations against This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for Defines support for performing mutation operations originating from persistence-context An SPI for integrating custom entity and collection Contains some functions for pretty-printing things for exception and log Defines the internal implementation of the stored procedure Defines an SPI for calling stored procedures and Contains various implementations ofPropertyAccessStrategy An SPI abstracting how persistent attributes of an entity or embeddable type are accessed by This package defines a framework for lazy-initializing entity Proxies for entity objects represented as Java Proxies for plain Java org.hibernate.query Everything related to HQL/JPQL, native SQL, and criteria org.hibernate.query.derived org.hibernate.query.hql.internal Implementation of the SPIs for HQL org.hibernate.query.named Support for named queriesorg.hibernate.query.results Support for defining result set mappings used inNativeQuery
, andStoredProcedureQuery
.org.hibernate.query.results.dynamic Support for mutable result/fetch builder graphs nodes built dynamically via Hibernate'sNativeQuery
APIsorg.hibernate.query.spi Contains a range of internal abstractions for dealing with query execution, query plans, query options, and query Implementation of the SPIs for native SQL query SPIs for native SQL query This package defines a semantic model of HQL Package defining support for HQL, including JPQL as a subset of Package for the SQM-backed Query implementation detailsorg.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal.cte org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal.temptable Support for multi-table SQM mutation (insert, update, delete) operations using a table to temporarily hold the matching SPI for handling SQM UPDATE and DELETE queriesorg.hibernate.query.sqm.spi SPI-level SQM contractsorg.hibernate.query.sqm.sql Package for the translation of SQM into SQL ASTorg.hibernate.query.sqm.sql.internal org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.expression Nodes representing expressions in the SQM org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi An SPI for managing JDBC connections and other heavyweight resources, based around the idea of a "JDBC session".org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jta.internal.synchronization Internal implementation details for reacting to JTA transaction completion viaSynchronization
callbacksorg.hibernate.result.internal org.hibernate.result.spi org.hibernate.service.internal Implementation of the SPI for integrating pluggable Defines an SPI for integrating pluggable org.hibernate.sql This package contains helper classes for rendering SQL fragments and SQL Package defining a SQL AST for use in generation of Package defining support for creating and consuming a SQL Support for common table expressions (CTE) in a SQL AST nodes representing expressions in a SQL AST nodes representing root tables and joins in a SQL Implementation of the SPI for execution of SQL statements via SPI for execution of SQL statements via Package contains specialized SQL AST nodes and builders for table mutations of model parts originating from normal persistence-context SQL AST extensions for model Support for buildingTableMutation
references for persisting entity mutation eventsorg.hibernate.sql.model.internal org.hibernate.sql.model.jdbc Extensions toJdbcOperation
for model Support for caching of query org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.collection org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.collection.internal org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.embeddable.internal org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.entity org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.entity.internal org.hibernate.sql.results.internal org.hibernate.sql.results.jdbc.internal org.hibernate.sql.results.jdbc.spi org.hibernate.sql.results.spi org.hibernate.stat.internal The built-in implementation of the statistics collection An SPI allowing customized statistics org.hibernate.testing.cache org.hibernate.testing.jdbc org.hibernate.testing.junit4 org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit org.hibernate.testing.orm.transaction org.hibernate.testing.transaction org.hibernate.tuple Most contracts here have been replaced by the new runtime mapping org.hibernate.tuple.entity org.hibernate.type A HibernateType
is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or Contracts for reading and writing values to and from Integrates a range of types defined by the JDK with the type system of org.hibernate.type.spi Defines a registry for HibernateType An API for user-defined custom types which extend the set of built-in types defined inorg.hibernate.type
.org.hibernate.usertype.internal -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate Class Description FilterDefinition Represents the definition of afilter
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.action.internal Class Description ComparableExecutable We frequently need the union type of Executable, Comparable of ComparableExecutable, Serializable; this interface represents such union; this helps to simplify several generic signatures.EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxiesSessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.action.spi Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot Class Description FilterDefinition Represents the definition of afilter
.Mapping Deprecated. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.beanvalidation Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.internal Class Description FilterDefinition Represents the definition of afilter
.Mapping Deprecated.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.internal Class Description ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.hbm.spi Class Description ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.mapping Class Description ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.mapping.marshall Class Description ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.model Class Description ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.query Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.boot.spi Class Description FilterDefinition Represents the definition of afilter
.Mapping Deprecated.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.internal.bytebuddy Class Description PersistentAttributeInterceptable -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.internal.tracker Class Description CompositeOwner -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.enhance.spi.interceptor Class Description EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.PersistentAttributeInterceptor The base contract for interceptors that can be injected into enhanced entities for the purpose of intercepting attribute accessSharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.internal Class Description EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.PersistentAttributeInterceptable PersistentAttributeInterceptor The base contract for interceptors that can be injected into enhanced entities for the purpose of intercepting attribute accessSharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.internal.bytebuddy Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.bytecode.spi Class Description EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.PersistentAttributeInterceptable PersistentAttributeInterceptor The base contract for interceptors that can be injected into enhanced entities for the purpose of intercepting attribute accessSessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.cfg.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.jcache.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.spi.access Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.cache.spi.entry Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.collection.internal Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.collection.spi Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.context.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.context.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.dialect Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.dialect.identity Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.dialect.temptable Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.internal Class Description BatchFetchQueue Keeps track of: entity and collection keys that are available for batch fetching details related to queries which load entities with sub-select-fetchable collectionsCachedNaturalIdValueSource The type of action from which the cache call is originating.CascadingAction A session action that may be cascaded from parent entity to its childrenCollectionEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of a collection with respect to its persistent stateCollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.CompositeOwner CompositeTracker EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityEntryExtraState Navigation methods for extra state objects attached toEntityEntry
.EntityEntryFactory Contract to buildEntityEntry
EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.EntityUniqueKey Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier.IdentifierValue A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance.ManagedEntity SpecializedManaged
contract for entity classes.NaturalIdResolutions Manages the cached resolutions related to natural-id (to and from identifier)PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxiesPersistentAttributeInterceptable SelfDirtinessTracker Contract for an entity to report that it tracks the dirtiness of its own state, as opposed to needing Hibernate to perform state-diff dirty calculations.SessionEventListenerManager SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.Status Represents the status of an entity with respect to this session.VersionValue A strategy for determining if a version value is a version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.batch.internal Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.mutation Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.mutation.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.mutation.spi Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.query.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.query.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.engine.spi Class Description AbstractDelegatingSessionBuilder Base class forSessionBuilder
implementations that wish to implement only parts of that contract themselves while forwarding other method invocations to a delegate instance.ActionQueue Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events.ActionQueue.TransactionCompletionProcesses Wrapper class allowing to bind the same transaction completion process queues in different sessions.BatchFetchQueue Keeps track of: entity and collection keys that are available for batch fetching details related to queries which load entities with sub-select-fetchable collectionsCachedNaturalIdValueSource The type of action from which the cache call is originating.CacheInitiator Initiator for second level cache supportCascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.CascadeStyles.BaseCascadeStyle CascadingAction A session action that may be cascaded from parent entity to its childrenCollectionEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of a collection with respect to its persistent stateCollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.ComparableExecutable We frequently need the union type of Executable, Comparable of ComparableExecutable, Serializable; this interface represents such union; this helps to simplify several generic signatures.CompositeOwner CompositeTracker EffectiveEntityGraph Think of this as the composite modeling of a graph and the semantic.EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityEntryExtraState Navigation methods for extra state objects attached toEntityEntry
.EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.EntityUniqueKey Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier.ExceptionConverter ExecutableList.Sorter Provides a sorting interface forExecutableList
.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used.FilterDefinition Represents the definition of afilter
.IdentifierValue A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.Managed Contract for classes (specifically, entities and components/embeddables) that are "managed".ManagedComposite SpecializedManaged
contract for component/embeddable classes.ManagedEntity SpecializedManaged
contract for entity classes.ManagedMappedSuperclass SpecializedManaged
contract for MappedSuperclass classes.Mapping Deprecated.NaturalIdResolutions Manages the cached resolutions related to natural-id (to and from identifier)PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxiesPersistentAttributeInterceptable PersistentAttributeInterceptor The base contract for interceptors that can be injected into enhanced entities for the purpose of intercepting attribute accessPrimeAmongSecondarySupertypes For a full explanation of the purpose of this interface seeManagedTypeHelper
.SelfDirtinessTracker Contract for an entity to report that it tracks the dirtiness of its own state, as opposed to needing Hibernate to perform state-diff dirty calculations.SessionBuilderImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionBuilder
and other parts of Hibernate.SessionEventListenerManager SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionFactoryImplementor.DeserializationResolver Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.this is no longer usedSessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.Status Represents the status of an entity with respect to this session.SubselectFetch Encapsulates details related to entities which contain sub-select-fetchable collections and which were loaded in a Session so that those collections may be sub-select fetched later during initializationSubselectFetch.RegistrationHandler UnsavedValueStrategy The base contract for determining transient status versus detached status.ValueInclusion An enum of the different ways a value might be "included".VersionValue A strategy for determining if a version value is a version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.boot.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.event.spi Class Description CollectionEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of a collection with respect to its persistent stateSessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.component Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.lazy Class Description SessionDelegatorBaseImpl A wrapper class that delegates all method invocations to a delegate instance ofSessionImplementor
.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.entities.mapper.relation.query Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.reader Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.envers.internal.synchronization Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description CollectionEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of a collection with respect to its persistent stateSessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.event.internal Class Description CascadingAction A session action that may be cascaded from parent entity to its childrenEntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.event.spi Class Description ActionQueue Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events.EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.generator Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.generator.internal Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.graph Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.graph.internal.parse Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description Mapping Deprecated.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.integrator.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.internal Class Description ActionQueue Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events.ActionQueue.TransactionCompletionProcesses Wrapper class allowing to bind the same transaction completion process queues in different sessions.CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.ExceptionConverter FilterDefinition Represents the definition of afilter
.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.Mapping Deprecated.PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxiesSessionBuilderImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionBuilder
and other parts of Hibernate.SessionEventListenerManager SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionFactoryImplementor.DeserializationResolver Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.this is no longer usedSessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.internal.log Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.internal.util Class Description EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.TypedValue An ordered pair of a value and its Hibernate type. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.jdbc Class Description ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.jpa.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.validation Class Description Mapping Deprecated.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.loader.ast.internal Class Description EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SubselectFetch Encapsulates details related to entities which contain sub-select-fetchable collections and which were loaded in a Session so that those collections may be sub-select fetched later during initialization -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.loader.ast.spi Class Description CascadingAction A session action that may be cascaded from parent entity to its childrenLoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.loader.internal Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.mapping Class Description CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used.Mapping Deprecated.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.metadata Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.metamodel.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping Class Description CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.IdentifierValue A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.VersionValue A strategy for determining if a version value is a version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping.internal Class Description CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.IdentifierValue A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.Mapping Deprecated.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.VersionValue A strategy for determining if a version value is a version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping.ordering Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.metamodel.model.domain.internal Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.metamodel.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.persister.collection Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SubselectFetch Encapsulates details related to entities which contain sub-select-fetchable collections and which were loaded in a Session so that those collections may be sub-select fetched later during initialization -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.persister.collection.mutation Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.persister.entity Class Description CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityEntryFactory Contract to buildEntityEntry
LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.Mapping Deprecated.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.persister.entity.mutation Class Description EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.persister.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.pretty Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.procedure.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.procedure.spi Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.proxy Class Description PrimeAmongSecondarySupertypes For a full explanation of the purpose of this interface seeManagedTypeHelper
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description PrimeAmongSecondarySupertypes For a full explanation of the purpose of this interface seeManagedTypeHelper
.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.proxy.pojo Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.proxy.pojo.bytebuddy Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.criteria.internal Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.derived Class Description IdentifierValue A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.hql.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.named Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.results Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.results.dynamic Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sql.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sql.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.function Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.internal Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
.SubselectFetch.RegistrationHandler -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal.cte Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal.temptable Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.spi Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.sql Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.sql.internal Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.expression Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.relational.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.resource.transaction.backend.jta.internal.synchronization Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.result.internal Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.result.spi Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.service.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.service.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.spatial.dialect.hana Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.ast Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.spi Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.expression Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.from Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.exec.internal Class Description LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.exec.spi Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.model Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.model.ast Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.model.ast.builder Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.model.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.model.jdbc Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.caching Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.caching.internal Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.collection Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.collection.internal Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.embeddable.internal Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.entity Class Description EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxiesSharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.graph.entity.internal Class Description EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state.EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular Session by identifier.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.internal Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxiesSessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.jdbc.internal Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.EntityUniqueKey Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.jdbc.spi Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityHolder Holder for an entry in thePersistenceContext
for anEntityKey
.EntityUniqueKey Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier.LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.sql.results.spi Class Description CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session.EntityUniqueKey Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier.PersistenceContext Represents the state of "stuff" Hibernate is tracking, including (not exhaustive): entities collections snapshots proxiesSessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.stat.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.stat.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.bytecode.enhancement Class Description EntityEntry Information about the current state of a managed entity instance with respect to its persistent state. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.cache Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.jdbc Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.junit4 Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.orm.junit Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.orm.transaction Class Description SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.testing.transaction Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SessionImplementor Defines the "internal contract" betweenSession
and other parts of Hibernate including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.tuple Class Description CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.tuple.component Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.tuple.entity Class Description CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.type Class Description CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions.Mapping Deprecated.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.type.descriptor Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by Class Description SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.type.internal Class Description Mapping Deprecated.SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.type.spi Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.usertype Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.SharedSessionContractImplementor Defines the internal contract shared betweenSession
as used by other parts of Hibernate, including implementors ofType
, andCollectionPersister
. -
Classes in org.hibernate.engine.spi used by org.hibernate.usertype.internal Class Description SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between theSessionFactory
and the internal implementation of Hibernate.