Interface Generator

    • Method Detail

      • generatedOnExecution

        boolean generatedOnExecution()
        Determines if the property value is generated when a row is written to the database, or in Java code that executes before the row is written.
        • Generators which only implement BeforeExecutionGenerator must result false.
        • Generators which only implement OnExecutionGenerator must result true.
        • Generators which implement both subinterfaces may decide at runtime what value to return.
        true if the value is generated by the database as a side effect of the execution of an insert or update statement, or false if it is generated in Java code before the statement is executed via JDBC.
      • generatedOnExecution

        default boolean generatedOnExecution​(Object entity,
                                             SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
        Determines if the property value is generated when a row is written to the database, or in Java code that executes before the row is written.

        Defaults to generatedOnExecution(), but can be overloaded allowing conditional value generation timing (on/before execution) based on the current state of the owner entity. Note that a generator must implement both BeforeExecutionGenerator and OnExecutionGenerator to achieve this behavior.

        entity - The instance of the entity owning the attribute for which we are generating a value.
        session - The session from which the request originates.
        true if the value is generated by the database as a side effect of the execution of an insert or update statement, or false if it is generated in Java code before the statement is executed via JDBC.
        See Also:
        generatedOnExecution(), BeforeExecutionGenerator, OnExecutionGenerator
      • generatesSometimes

        default boolean generatesSometimes()
      • generatesOnInsert

        default boolean generatesOnInsert()
      • generatesOnUpdate

        default boolean generatesOnUpdate()