Class MessageHelper

  • @Internal
    public final class MessageHelper
    extends Object
    MessageHelper methods for rendering log messages relating to managed entities and collections typically used in log statements and exception messages.
    • Method Detail

      • infoString

        public static String infoString​(@Nullable String entityName,
                                        @Nullable Object id)
        Generate an info message string relating to a particular entity, based on the given entityName and id.
        entityName - The defined entity name.
        id - The entity id value.
        An info string, in the form [FooBar#1].
      • infoString

        public static String infoString​(@Nullable EntityPersister persister,
                                        @Nullable Object id,
                                        @Nullable SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
        Generate an info message string relating to a particular entity.
        persister - The persister for the entity
        id - The entity id value
        factory - The session factory - Could be null!
        An info string, in the form [FooBar#1]
      • infoString

        public static String infoString​(@Nullable EntityPersister persister,
                                        @Nullable Object id,
                                        Type identifierType,
                                        SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
        Generate an info message string relating to a particular entity,.
        persister - The persister for the entity
        id - The entity id value
        identifierType - The entity identifier type mapping
        factory - The session factory
        An info string, in the form [FooBar#1]
      • infoString

        public static String infoString​(@Nullable EntityPersister persister,
                                        Object[] ids,
                                        SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
        Generate an info message string relating to a series of entities.
        persister - The persister for the entities
        ids - The entity id values
        factory - The session factory
        An info string, in the form [FooBar#<1,2,3>]
      • infoString

        public static String infoString​(@Nullable EntityPersister persister)
        Generate an info message string relating to given entity persister.
        persister - The persister.
        An info string, in the form [FooBar]
      • infoString

        public static String infoString​(String entityName,
                                        String propertyName,
                                        @Nullable Object key)
        Generate an info message string relating to a given property value for an entity.
        entityName - The entity name
        propertyName - The name of the property
        key - The property value.
        An info string, in the form [Foo.bars#1]
      • collectionInfoString

        public static String collectionInfoString​(@Nullable CollectionPersister persister,
                                                  @Nullable PersistentCollection<?> collection,
                                                  Object collectionKey,
                                                  SharedSessionContractImplementor session)
        Generate an info message string relating to a particular managed collection. Attempts to intelligently handle property-refs issues where the collection key is not the same as the owner key.
        persister - The persister for the collection
        collection - The collection itself
        collectionKey - The collection key
        session - The session
        An info string, in the form [Foo.bars#1]
      • collectionInfoString

        public static String collectionInfoString​(@Nullable CollectionPersister persister,
                                                  Object[] ids,
                                                  SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
        Generate an info message string relating to a series of managed collections.
        persister - The persister for the collections
        ids - The id values of the owners
        factory - The session factory
        An info string, in the form [Foo.bars#<1,2,3>]
      • collectionInfoString

        public static String collectionInfoString​(@Nullable CollectionPersister persister,
                                                  @Nullable Object id,
                                                  SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
        Generate an info message string relating to a particular managed collection.
        persister - The persister for the collection
        id - The id value of the owner
        factory - The session factory
        An info string, in the form [Foo.bars#1]
      • collectionInfoString

        public static String collectionInfoString​(@Nullable String role,
                                                  @Nullable Object id)
        Generate an info message string relating to a particular managed collection.
        role - The role-name of the collection
        id - The id value of the owner
        An info string, in the form [Foo.bars#1]