Class SchemaManagerImpl

    • Method Detail

      • exportMappedObjects

        public void exportMappedObjects​(boolean createSchemas)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaManager
        Export database objects mapped by Hibernate entities.

        Programmatic way to run SchemaCreator.

        Specified by:
        exportMappedObjects in interface SchemaManager
        createSchemas - if true, attempt to create schemas, otherwise, assume the schemas already exist
      • dropMappedObjects

        public void dropMappedObjects​(boolean dropSchemas)
        Description copied from interface: SchemaManager
        Drop database objects mapped by Hibernate entities, undoing the previous export.

        Programmatic way to run SchemaDropper.

        Specified by:
        dropMappedObjects in interface SchemaManager
        dropSchemas - if true, drop schemas, otherwise, leave them be
      • validateMappedObjects

        public void validateMappedObjects()
        Description copied from interface: SchemaManager
        Validate that the database objects mapped by Hibernate entities have the expected definitions.

        Programmatic way to run SchemaValidator.

        Specified by:
        validateMappedObjects in interface SchemaManager