Package org.hibernate.type
Class EmbeddedComponentType
- java.lang.Object
- org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
- org.hibernate.type.ComponentType
- org.hibernate.type.EmbeddedComponentType
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class EmbeddedComponentType extends ComponentType
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.hibernate.type.ComponentType
Fields inherited from class org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description EmbeddedComponentType(Component component, int[] originalPropertyOrder)
EmbeddedComponentType(Component component, int[] originalPropertyOrder, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
Is this component embedded? "embedded" indicates that the component is "virtual", that its properties are "flattened" onto its ownerboolean
isMethodOf(Method method)
Is the given method a member of this component's class?-
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.type.ComponentType
assemble, canDoExtraction, compare, compare, deepCopy, disassemble, disassemble, extract, extract, getBindableJavaType, getCascadeStyle, getColumnSpan, getFetchMode, getHashCode, getHashCode, getJdbcType, getMappingModelPart, getName, getOriginalPropertyOrder, getPropertyIndex, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNullability, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValueGenerationStrategies, getPropertyValues, getPropertyValues, getReturnedClass, getSqlTypeCodes, getSubtypes, hasNotNullProperty, hasNullProperty, injectMappingModelPart, instantiator, isComponentType, isDirty, isDirty, isEqual, isEqual, isKey, isModified, isMutable, isSame, mappingModelPart, nullSafeSet, nullSafeSet, replace, replace, replacePropertyValues, resolveExpressible, setPropertyValues, toColumnNullness, toLoggableString
Methods inherited from class org.hibernate.type.AbstractType
beforeAssemble, isAnyType, isAssociationType, isCollectionType, isEntityType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.query.BindableType
Methods inherited from interface org.hibernate.type.Type
beforeAssemble, isAnyType, isAssociationType, isCollectionType, isEntityType
Constructor Detail
@Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public EmbeddedComponentType(Component component, int[] originalPropertyOrder, MetadataBuildingContext buildingContext)
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
public EmbeddedComponentType(Component component, int[] originalPropertyOrder)
Method Detail
public boolean isEmbedded()
Description copied from interface:CompositeType
Is this component embedded? "embedded" indicates that the component is "virtual", that its properties are "flattened" onto its owner- Specified by:
in interfaceCompositeType
- Overrides:
in classComponentType
- Returns:
- True if this component is embedded; false otherwise.
public boolean isMethodOf(Method method)
Description copied from interface:CompositeType
Is the given method a member of this component's class?- Specified by:
in interfaceCompositeType
- Overrides:
in classComponentType
- Parameters:
- The method to check- Returns:
- True if the method is a member; false otherwise.