Interface EntityHolder

    • Method Detail

      • getEntity

        @Nullable Object getEntity()
        The entity object, or null if no entity object was registered yet.
      • getProxy

        @Nullable Object getProxy()
        The proxy object, or null if no proxy object was registered yet.
      • getEntityInitializer

        @Nullable EntityInitializer getEntityInitializer()
        The entity initializer that claims to initialize the entity for this holder. Will be null if entity is initialized already or the entity holder is not claimed yet.
      • getManagedObject

        default @Nullable Object getManagedObject()
        The proxy if there is one and otherwise the entity.
      • markAsReloaded

        void markAsReloaded​(JdbcValuesSourceProcessingState processingState)
        Marks the entity holder as reloaded to potentially trigger follow-on locking.
        processingState - The processing state within which this entity is reloaded.
      • isInitialized

        boolean isInitialized()
        Whether the entity is already initialized
      • isEventuallyInitialized

        boolean isEventuallyInitialized()
        Whether the entity is already initialized or will be initialized through an initializer eventually.