Package org.hibernate

Class DuplicateMappingException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DuplicateMappingException extends MappingException
Raised whenever a duplicate for a certain type occurs, such as a duplicate class, table, or property name.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DuplicateMappingException

      public DuplicateMappingException(DuplicateMappingException.Type type, String name)
      Creates a DuplicateMappingException using the given type and name.
      type - The type of the duplicated thing.
      name - The name of the duplicated thing.
    • DuplicateMappingException

      public DuplicateMappingException(String customMessage, DuplicateMappingException.Type type, String name)
      Creates a DuplicateMappingException using the given customMessage, type and name.
      customMessage - A custom exception message explaining the exception condition
      type - The type of the duplicated thing.
      name - The name of the duplicated thing.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public String getType()
    • getName

      public String getName()