Annotation Type FilterDef

  • @Target({TYPE,PACKAGE})
    public @interface FilterDef
    Declares a filter, specifying its name(), optionally, a default condition, and its parameter names and types, if it has parameters.

    Every entity or collection which is affected by a named filter declared using this annotation must be explicitly annotated @Filter, and the name of this filter definition must be given. The @Filter annotation may override the default condition specified by this annotation using Filter.condition().

    For example, if a filter is declared as follows:

     @FilterDef(name = "Current",
                defaultCondition = "status<>'DELETED'")
     package org.hibernate.domain;

    Then the filter may be applied to an entity type like this:

     @Filter(name = "Current")
     class Record {
         @Id @GeneratedValue Long id;
         @Enumerated(STRING) Status status;

    At runtime, a filter may be enabled in a particular session by calling Session.enableFilter(String), passing the name of the filter, and then supplying arguments to its parameters.


    A filter has no effect unless:

    See Also:
    Filter, DialectOverride.FilterDefs
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String name
      The name of the declared filter.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean applyToLoadByKey
      Specifies that the filter should be applied to operations which fetch an entity by its identifier.
      boolean autoEnabled
      Specifies that the filter auto-enabled, so that it is not necessary to call Session.enableFilter(String).
      String defaultCondition
      The default filter condition, a SQL expression used for filtering the rows returned by a query when the filter is enabled.
      ParamDef[] parameters
      The names and types of the parameters of the filter.
      • defaultCondition

        String defaultCondition
        The default filter condition, a SQL expression used for filtering the rows returned by a query when the filter is enabled. This default condition may be overridden by any entity or collection to which the filter applies using Filter.condition().

        If every entity and collection to which the filter applies explicitly specifies its own filter condition, then the default condition is unnecessary, and so this member is optional.

      • parameters

        ParamDef[] parameters
        The names and types of the parameters of the filter.
      • applyToLoadByKey

        boolean applyToLoadByKey
        Specifies that the filter should be applied to operations which fetch an entity by its identifier.

        By default, a filter does not apply to lookups by primary key, for example, when:

        If the effect of a filter with applyToLoadByKey = true would be to nullify a to-one association, EntityFilterException is thrown.
