Interface PhysicalNamingStrategy

    • Method Detail

      • toPhysicalCatalogName

        Identifier toPhysicalCatalogName​(Identifier logicalName,
                                         JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment)
        Determine the physical catalog name from the given logical name
      • toPhysicalSchemaName

        Identifier toPhysicalSchemaName​(Identifier logicalName,
                                        JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment)
        Determine the physical schema name from the given logical name
      • toPhysicalTableName

        Identifier toPhysicalTableName​(Identifier logicalName,
                                       JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment)
        Determine the physical table name from the given logical name
      • toPhysicalSequenceName

        Identifier toPhysicalSequenceName​(Identifier logicalName,
                                          JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment)
        Determine the physical sequence name from the given logical name
      • toPhysicalColumnName

        Identifier toPhysicalColumnName​(Identifier logicalName,
                                        JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment)
        Determine the physical column name from the given logical name
      • toPhysicalTypeName

        default Identifier toPhysicalTypeName​(Identifier logicalName,
                                              JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment)
        Determine the physical UDT type name from the given logical name