Interface AuxiliaryDatabaseObject

All Superinterfaces:
Exportable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject, NamedAuxiliaryDatabaseObject, SimpleAuxiliaryDatabaseObject

public interface AuxiliaryDatabaseObject extends Exportable, Serializable
An auxiliary database object is a trigger, function, stored procedure, or anything similar which is defined using explicit handwritten DDL create and drop statements in the mapping metadata.

This SPI allows Hibernate to export and clean up these objects along with the rest of the schema.

  • Method Details

    • appliesToDialect

      boolean appliesToDialect(Dialect dialect)
      Does this database object apply to the given dialect?
      dialect - The dialect to check against.
      True if this database object does apply to the given dialect.
    • beforeTablesOnCreation

      boolean beforeTablesOnCreation()
      Defines a simple precedence. Should creation of this auxiliary object happen before creation of tables?
      • If true, the auxiliary object creation will happen after any explicit schema creation but before creation of tables and sequences.
      • If false, the auxiliary object creation will happen after explicit schema creation and after creation of tables and sequences.

      This precedence is automatically inverted for when the schema is dropped.

      true indicates this object should be created before tables; false indicates it should be created after tables.
    • sqlCreateStrings

      String[] sqlCreateStrings(SqlStringGenerationContext context)
      Gets the SQL strings for creating the database object.
      context - A context to help generate the SQL creation strings
      the SQL strings for creating the database object.
    • sqlDropStrings

      String[] sqlDropStrings(SqlStringGenerationContext context)
      Gets the SQL strings for dropping the database object.
      context - A context to help generate the SQL drop strings
      the SQL strings for dropping the database object.