Class DB2iDialect

    • Method Detail

      • initializeFunctionRegistry

        public void initializeFunctionRegistry​(FunctionContributions functionContributions)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Initialize the given registry with any dialect-specific functions.

        Support for certain SQL functions is required, and if the database does not support a required function, then the dialect must define a way to emulate it.

        These required functions include the functions defined by the JPA query language specification:

        • avg(arg) - aggregate function
        • count([distinct ]arg) - aggregate function
        • max(arg) - aggregate function
        • min(arg) - aggregate function
        • sum(arg) - aggregate function
        • coalesce(arg0, arg1, ...)
        • nullif(arg0, arg1)
        • lower(arg)
        • upper(arg)
        • length(arg)
        • concat(arg0, arg1, ...)
        • locate(pattern, string[, start])
        • substring(string, start[, length])
        • trim([[spec ][character ]from] string)
        • abs(arg)
        • mod(arg0, arg1)
        • sqrt(arg)
        • current date
        • current time
        • current timestamp
        Along with an additional set of functions defined by ANSI SQL:
        • any(arg) - aggregate function
        • every(arg) - aggregate function
        • var_samp(arg) - aggregate function
        • var_pop(arg) - aggregate function
        • stddev_samp(arg) - aggregate function
        • stddev_pop(arg) - aggregate function
        • cast(arg as Type)
        • extract(field from arg)
        • ln(arg)
        • exp(arg)
        • power(arg0, arg1)
        • floor(arg)
        • ceiling(arg)
        • position(pattern in string)
        • substring(string from start[ for length])
        • overlay(string placing replacement from start[ for length])
        And the following functions for working with java.time types:
        • local date
        • local time
        • local datetime
        • offset datetime
        • instant
        And a number of additional "standard" functions:
        • left(string, length)
        • right(string, length)
        • replace(string, pattern, replacement)
        • pad(string with length spec[ character])
        • repeat(string, times)
        • pi
        • log10(arg)
        • log(base, arg)
        • sign(arg)
        • sin(arg)
        • cos(arg)
        • tan(arg)
        • asin(arg)
        • acos(arg)
        • atan(arg)
        • atan2(arg0, arg1)
        • round(arg0[, arg1])
        • truncate(arg0[, arg1])
        • sinh(arg)
        • tanh(arg)
        • cosh(arg)
        • least(arg0, arg1, ...)
        • greatest(arg0, arg1, ...)
        • degrees(arg)
        • radians(arg)
        • bitand(arg1, arg1)
        • bitor(arg1, arg1)
        • bitxor(arg1, arg1)
        • format(datetime as pattern)
        • collate(string as collation)
        • str(arg) - synonym of cast(a as String)
        • ifnull(arg0, arg1) - synonym of coalesce(a, b)
        Finally, the following functions are defined as abbreviations for extract(), and desugared by the parser:
        • second(arg) - synonym of extract(second from a)
        • minute(arg) - synonym of extract(minute from a)
        • hour(arg) - synonym of extract(hour from a)
        • day(arg) - synonym of extract(day from a)
        • month(arg) - synonym of extract(month from a)
        • year(arg) - synonym of extract(year from a)
        Note that according to this definition, the second() function returns a floating point value, contrary to the integer type returned by the native function with this name on many databases. Thus, we don't just naively map these HQL functions to the native SQL functions with the same names.
        initializeFunctionRegistry in class DB2Dialect
      • getCreateIndexString

        public String getCreateIndexString​(boolean unique)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        The command used to create an index, usually create index or create unique index.
        getCreateIndexString in class Dialect
        unique - true if the index is a unique index
        The command used to create an index.
      • getCreateIndexTail

        public String getCreateIndexTail​(boolean unique,
                                         List<Column> columns)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        A string to be appended to the end of the create index command, usually to specify that null values are to be considered distinct.
        getCreateIndexTail in class DB2Dialect
      • supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName

        public boolean supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        For dropping a table, can the phrase if exists be applied before the table name?
        supportsIfExistsBeforeTableName in class DB2Dialect
        true if if exists can be applied before the table name
      • supportsDistinctFromPredicate

        public boolean supportsDistinctFromPredicate()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support some kind of distinct from predicate?

        That is, does it support syntax like:

        supportsDistinctFromPredicate in class DB2Dialect
        True if this SQL dialect is known to support some kind of distinct from predicate; false otherwise
      • getQuerySequencesString

        public String getQuerySequencesString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the select command used retrieve the names of all sequences.
        getQuerySequencesString in class DB2Dialect
        The select command; or null if sequences are not supported.
      • supportsSkipLocked

        public boolean supportsSkipLocked()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Does this dialect support SKIP_LOCKED timeout.
        supportsSkipLocked in class DB2Dialect
        true if SKIP_LOCKED is supported
      • rowIdSqlType

        public int rowIdSqlType()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        The JDBC type code of the rowid-like pseudo-column which acts as a high-performance row locator.
        rowIdSqlType in class DB2Dialect
        Types.ROWID by default
      • getRowIdColumnString

        public String getRowIdColumnString​(String rowId)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        If this dialect requires that the rowid column be declared explicitly, return the DDL column definition.
        getRowIdColumnString in class Dialect
        the DDL column definition, or null if the rowid is an implicit pseudo-column
      • getForUpdateString

        public String getForUpdateString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the string to append to SELECT statements to acquire pessimistic UPGRADE locks for this dialect.
        getForUpdateString in class DB2Dialect
        The appropriate FOR UPDATE clause string.
      • getForUpdateSkipLockedString

        public String getForUpdateSkipLockedString()
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Retrieves the FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED syntax specific to this dialect.
        getForUpdateSkipLockedString in class DB2Dialect
        The appropriate FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED clause string.
      • getForUpdateSkipLockedString

        public String getForUpdateSkipLockedString​(String aliases)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the FOR UPDATE OF column_list SKIP LOCKED fragment appropriate for this dialect, given the aliases of the columns to be write locked.
        getForUpdateSkipLockedString in class DB2Dialect
        aliases - The columns to be write locked.
        The appropriate FOR UPDATE colunm_list SKIP LOCKED clause string.
      • getWriteLockString

        public String getWriteLockString​(int timeout)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the string to append to SELECT statements to acquire pessimistic WRITE locks for this dialect.

        Location of the returned string is treated the same as Dialect.getForUpdateString().

        getWriteLockString in class DB2Dialect
        timeout - in milliseconds, -1 for indefinite wait and 0 for no wait.
        The appropriate LOCK clause string.
      • getReadLockString

        public String getReadLockString​(int timeout)
        Description copied from class: Dialect
        Get the string to append to SELECT statements to acquire READ locks for this dialect.

        Location of the returned string is treated the same as Dialect.getForUpdateString().

        getReadLockString in class DB2Dialect
        timeout - in milliseconds, -1 for indefinite wait and 0 for no wait.
        The appropriate LOCK clause string.