Class NClobProxy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NClobProxy
    extends ClobProxy
    Manages aspects of proxying NClobs for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations. We use proxies here solely to avoid JDBC version incompatibilities.

    Generated proxies are typed as Clob (NClob extends Clob)and in JDK 1.6+ environments, they are also typed to NClob.

    See Also:
    ClobProxy, BlobProxy, LobCreator, LobHelper
    API Note:
    This class is not intended to be called directly by the application program. Instead, use Session.getLobHelper().
    • Field Detail


        public static final Class<?>[] PROXY_INTERFACES
        The interfaces used to generate the proxy
    • Constructor Detail

      • NClobProxy

        protected NClobProxy​(String string)
      • NClobProxy

        protected NClobProxy​(Reader reader,
                             long length)
    • Method Detail

      • generateProxy

        public static NClob generateProxy​(String string)
        Generates a Clob proxy using the string data.
        string - The data to be wrapped as a Clob.
        The generated proxy.
      • generateProxy

        public static NClob generateProxy​(Reader reader,
                                          long length)
        Generates a NClob proxy using a character reader of given length.
        reader - The character reader
        length - The length of the character reader
        The generated proxy.
      • getProxyClassLoader

        protected static ClassLoader getProxyClassLoader()
        Determines the appropriate class loader to which the generated proxy should be scoped.
        The class loader appropriate for proxy construction.