Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain Package Description org.hibernate.metamodel.model.domain Defines the runtime domain metamodel, which describes the Java aspect of the application's domain model parts (entities, attributes).org.hibernate.metamodel.model.domain.internal Implementation of the SPI for the runtime domain org.hibernate.query.hql.internal Implementation of the SPIs for HQL SPIs for HQL This package defines a semantic model of HQL Package for the SQM-backed Query implementation detailsorg.hibernate.query.sqm.spi SPI-level SQM contractsorg.hibernate.query.sqm.sql Package for the translation of SQM into SQL ASTorg.hibernate.query.sqm.sql.internal org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain Nodes representing path expressions in the SQM Nodes representing expressions in the SQM Nodes representing root entities and joins in the SQM Nodes representinginsert
statements in the SQM org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.predicate Nodes representing logical predicates in the SQM Nodes representingselect
statements in the SQM Nodes representingupdate
statements in the SQM tree. -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.metamodel.model.domain Class Description SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.SqmTreatedPath -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.metamodel.model.domain.internal Class Description AbstractSqmPath SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.SqmPluralPartJoin -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.derived Class Description SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree. -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.hql.internal Class Description SqmFkExpression Reference to the key-side (as opposed to the target-side) of the foreign-key of a to-one association.SqmMapEntryReference Represents the reference to a Map attribute'sMap.Entry
entries in a select clauseSqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree. -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.hql.spi Class Description SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree. -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.internal Class Description NonAggregatedCompositeSimplePath SqmAnyValuedSimplePath SqmBagJoin SqmBasicValuedSimplePath SqmCorrelation Specialization ofSqmFrom
for sub-query correlationsSqmCteRoot SqmDerivedRoot SqmElementAggregateFunction SqmEmbeddedValuedSimplePath SqmEntityValuedSimplePath SqmFkExpression Reference to the key-side (as opposed to the target-side) of the foreign-key of a to-one association.SqmFunctionPath SqmIndexAggregateFunction SqmIndexedCollectionAccessPath SqmListJoin SqmMapEntryReference Represents the reference to a Map attribute'sMap.Entry
entries in a select clauseSqmMapJoin SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.SqmPluralPartJoin SqmPluralValuedSimplePath An SqmPath for plural attribute pathsSqmSetJoin SqmSingularJoin SqmTreatedPath -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.spi Class Description NonAggregatedCompositeSimplePath SqmAnyValuedSimplePath SqmBasicValuedSimplePath SqmCorrelation Specialization ofSqmFrom
for sub-query correlationsSqmCteRoot SqmDerivedRoot SqmElementAggregateFunction SqmEmbeddedValuedSimplePath SqmEntityValuedSimplePath SqmFkExpression Reference to the key-side (as opposed to the target-side) of the foreign-key of a to-one association.SqmFunctionPath SqmIndexAggregateFunction SqmIndexedCollectionAccessPath SqmMapEntryReference Represents the reference to a Map attribute'sMap.Entry
entries in a select clauseSqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.SqmPluralPartJoin SqmPluralValuedSimplePath An SqmPath for plural attribute pathsSqmTreatedPath -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.sql Class Description AbstractSqmSpecificPluralPartPath NonAggregatedCompositeSimplePath SqmAnyValuedSimplePath SqmBasicValuedSimplePath SqmCorrelation Specialization ofSqmFrom
for sub-query correlationsSqmCteRoot SqmDerivedRoot SqmElementAggregateFunction SqmEmbeddedValuedSimplePath SqmEntityValuedSimplePath SqmFkExpression Reference to the key-side (as opposed to the target-side) of the foreign-key of a to-one association.SqmFunctionPath SqmIndexAggregateFunction SqmIndexedCollectionAccessPath SqmMapEntryReference Represents the reference to a Map attribute'sMap.Entry
entries in a select clauseSqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.SqmPluralPartJoin SqmPluralValuedSimplePath An SqmPath for plural attribute pathsSqmTreatedPath -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.sql.internal Class Description NonAggregatedCompositeSimplePath SqmAnyValuedSimplePath SqmBasicValuedSimplePath SqmEmbeddedValuedSimplePath SqmEntityValuedSimplePath SqmPluralValuedSimplePath An SqmPath for plural attribute paths -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.expression Class Description SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree. -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.from Class Description AbstractSqmFrom Convenience base class for SqmFrom implementationsAbstractSqmJoin AbstractSqmPath AbstractSqmQualifiedJoin SqmBagJoin SqmCorrelatedCrossJoin SqmCorrelatedEntityJoin SqmCorrelatedRoot SqmListJoin SqmMapJoin SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.SqmSetJoin SqmSingularJoin SqmTreatedCrossJoin SqmTreatedEntityJoin SqmTreatedRoot -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.insert Class Description SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree. -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.jpa Class Description SqmIndexedCollectionAccessPath -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.predicate Class Description SqmPluralValuedSimplePath An SqmPath for plural attribute paths -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by Class Description SqmBagJoin SqmDerivedRoot SqmListJoin SqmMapJoin SqmSetJoin -
Classes in org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.domain used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.update Class Description SqmPath Models a reference to a part of the application's domain model as part of an SQM tree.