BaseUnitTest |
BootstrapServiceRegistry |
Used to define the bootstrap ServiceRegistry to be used for testing.
BootstrapServiceRegistry.JavaService |
DomainModel |
DomainModel.ExtraQueryImport |
DomainModelFunctionalTesting |
ExpectedException |
Annotation that can be used, in conjunction with ExpectedExceptionExtension ,
to indicate that a specific test is expected to fail in a particular way
(throw the specified exception) as its "success condition".
FailureExpected |
Marks a test method or class as being expected to fail.
FailureExpectedGroup |
FunctionalEntityManagerFactoryTesting |
Composite annotation for functional tests that require
a functioning EntityManagerFactory.
Jira |
Specifies the URL to the Jira issue associated with a test.
JiraGroup |
Grouping annotation for `@Jira`
JiraKey |
Identifies the JIRA issue associated with a test.
JiraKeyGroup |
Grouping annotation for `@JiraKey`
Jpa |
Logger |
LoggingInspections |
Injects the ability to watch multiple for log messages being triggered.
LoggingInspections.Message |
MessageKeyInspection |
Injects the ability to watch for a log messages being triggered.
NotImplementedYet |
Indicates that the test tests functionality that has not been implemented yet.
RequiresDialect |
Indicates that the annotated test class/method should only
be run when the indicated Dialect is being used.
RequiresDialectFeature |
Annotation used to indicate that a test should be run only when the current dialect supports the
specified feature.
RequiresDialectFeatureGroup |
Annotation used to indicate that a test should be run only when the current dialect supports the
specified feature.
RequiresDialects |
ServiceRegistry |
ServiceRegistry.JavaService |
ServiceRegistry.Service |
A Hibernate Service registration
ServiceRegistryFunctionalTesting |
Composite annotation for applying extensions needed for managing
a StandardServiceRegistry as part of the test lifecycle.
SessionFactory |
SessionFactoryFunctionalTesting |
Composite annotation for functional tests that require a functioning SessionFactory.
Setting |
A setting for use in other annotations to define settings for various things.
SettingProvider |
Annotation to allow providing settings whose values can be
types other than String.
SkipForDialect |
Indicates that the annotated test class/method should be skipped
when the indicated Dialect is being used.
SkipForDialectGroup |