Package org.hibernate

Interface EntityNameResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface EntityNameResolver
An object capable of determining the entity name for a given entity instance.

A single Java class may be mapped as an entity multiple times, with each mapping distinguished by a distinct entity name. This is not currently possible using annotations, but it may be achieved using XML-based mappings. If a class is mapped multiple times, Hibernate needs a way to determine which entity is represented by a given instance of the class. There are two ways to provide this information:

  • by passing the entity name explicitly to methods of Session, for example, by calling Session.persist(String, Object), but this can be verbose and lacking in typesafety, or
  • by having the entity instance itself carry around the information, for example, by giving it a field holding the entity name, and supplying an EntityNameResolver which is capable of extracting the information from the entity instance.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Given an entity instance, determine its entity name.
  • Method Details

    • resolveEntityName

      String resolveEntityName(Object entity)
      Given an entity instance, determine its entity name.
      entity - The entity instance.
      The corresponding entity name, or null if this implementation does not know how to perform resolution for the given entity instance.