Class EntityAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ComparableExecutable>, AfterTransactionCompletionProcess, Executable, ComparableExecutable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractEntityInsertAction, EntityDeleteAction, EntityUpdateAction

public abstract class EntityAction extends Object implements ComparableExecutable, AfterTransactionCompletionProcess
Base class for actions relating to insert/update/delete of an entity instance.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EntityAction

      protected EntityAction(EventSource session, Object id, Object instance, EntityPersister persister)
      Instantiate an action.
      session - The session from which this action is coming.
      id - The id of the entity
      instance - The entity instance
      persister - The entity persister
  • Method Details

    • isVeto

      public boolean isVeto()
    • setVeto

      public void setVeto(boolean veto)
    • getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess

      public BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess()
      Description copied from interface: Executable
      Get the before-transaction-completion process, if any, for this action.
      Specified by:
      getBeforeTransactionCompletionProcess in interface Executable
      The before-transaction-completion process, or null if we have no before-transaction-completion process
    • getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess

      public AfterTransactionCompletionProcess getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess()
      Description copied from interface: Executable
      Get the after-transaction-completion process, if any, for this action.
      Specified by:
      getAfterTransactionCompletionProcess in interface Executable
      The after-transaction-completion process, or null if we have no after-transaction-completion process
    • hasPostCommitEventListeners

      protected abstract boolean hasPostCommitEventListeners()
    • needsAfterTransactionCompletion

      protected boolean needsAfterTransactionCompletion()
    • getEntityName

      public String getEntityName()
      entity name accessor
      The entity name
    • getId

      public final Object getId()
      entity id accessor
      The entity id
    • getDelayedId

      public final DelayedPostInsertIdentifier getDelayedId()
    • getInstance

      public final Object getInstance()
      entity instance accessor
      The entity instance
    • getSession

      public final EventSource getSession()
      originating session accessor
      The session from which this action originated.
    • getPersister

      public final EntityPersister getPersister()
      entity persister accessor
      The entity persister
    • getPropertySpaces

      public final String[] getPropertySpaces()
      Description copied from interface: Executable
      What spaces (tables) are affected by this action?
      Specified by:
      getPropertySpaces in interface Executable
      The spaces affected by this action.
    • beforeExecutions

      public void beforeExecutions()
      Description copied from interface: Executable
      Called before executing any actions. Gives actions a chance to perform any preparation.
      Specified by:
      beforeExecutions in interface Executable
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(ComparableExecutable o)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<ComparableExecutable>
    • getPrimarySortClassifier

      public String getPrimarySortClassifier()
      Description copied from interface: ComparableExecutable
      This affect sorting order of the executables, when sorting is enabled.
      Specified by:
      getPrimarySortClassifier in interface ComparableExecutable
      the primary sorting attribute; typically the entity name or collection role.
    • getSecondarySortIndex

      public Object getSecondarySortIndex()
      Description copied from interface: ComparableExecutable
      This affect sorting order of the executables, when sorting is enabled.
      Specified by:
      getSecondarySortIndex in interface ComparableExecutable
      the secondary sorting attribute, applied when getPrimarySortClassifier matches during a comparison; typically the entity key or collection key.
    • afterDeserialize

      public void afterDeserialize(EventSource session)
      Reconnect to session after deserialization...
      Specified by:
      afterDeserialize in interface Executable
      session - The session being deserialized
    • eventSource

      protected EventSource eventSource()
    • getFastSessionServices

      protected FastSessionServices getFastSessionServices()
      Convenience method for all subclasses.
      the FastSessionServices instance from the SessionFactory.