Interface LobCreator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLobCreator, BlobAndClobCreator, NonContextualLobCreator, StandardLobCreator

public interface LobCreator
Contract for creating various LOB references.
See Also:
API Note:
This class is not intended to be called directly by the application program. Instead, use Session.getLobHelper().
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createBlob(byte[] bytes)
    Create a BLOB reference encapsulating the given byte array.
    createBlob(InputStream stream, long length)
    Create a BLOB reference encapsulating the given binary stream.
    createClob(Reader reader, long length)
    Create a CLOB reference encapsulating the given character data.
    Create a CLOB reference encapsulating the given String data.
    createNClob(Reader reader, long length)
    Create a NCLOB reference encapsulating the given character data.
    Create a NCLOB reference encapsulating the given String data.
    Return an instance which can actually be written to a JDBC PreparedStatement.
    Return an instance which can actually be written to a JDBC PreparedStatement.
    Return an instance which can actually be written to a JDBC PreparedStatement.
    wrap(Blob blob)
    Wrap the given blob in a serializable wrapper.
    wrap(Clob clob)
    Wrap the given clob in a serializable wrapper.
    wrap(NClob nclob)
    Wrap the given nclob in a serializable wrapper.
  • Method Details

    • wrap

      Blob wrap(Blob blob)
      Wrap the given blob in a serializable wrapper.
      blob - The blob to be wrapped.
      The wrapped blob which will be castable to Blob as well as WrappedBlob.
    • wrap

      Clob wrap(Clob clob)
      Wrap the given clob in a serializable wrapper.
      clob - The clob to be wrapped.
      The wrapped clob which will be castable to Clob as well as WrappedClob.
    • wrap

      NClob wrap(NClob nclob)
      Wrap the given nclob in a serializable wrapper.
      nclob - The nclob to be wrapped.
      The wrapped nclob which will be castable to NClob as well as WrappedNClob.
    • createBlob

      Blob createBlob(byte[] bytes)
      Create a BLOB reference encapsulating the given byte array.
      bytes - The byte array to wrap as a blob.
      The created blob, castable to Blob as well as BlobImplementer
    • createBlob

      Blob createBlob(InputStream stream, long length)
      Create a BLOB reference encapsulating the given binary stream.
      stream - The binary stream to wrap as a blob.
      length - The length of the stream.
      The created blob, castable to Blob as well as BlobImplementer
    • createClob

      Clob createClob(String string)
      Create a CLOB reference encapsulating the given String data.
      string - The String to wrap as a clob.
      The created clob, castable to Clob as well as ClobImplementer
    • createClob

      Clob createClob(Reader reader, long length)
      Create a CLOB reference encapsulating the given character data.
      reader - The character data reader.
      length - The length of the reader data.
      The created clob, castable to Clob as well as ClobImplementer
    • createNClob

      NClob createNClob(String string)
      Create a NCLOB reference encapsulating the given String data.
      string - The String to wrap as a NCLOB.
      The created NCLOB, castable as Clob as well as NClobImplementer. In JDK 1.6 environments, also castable to java.sql.NClob
    • createNClob

      NClob createNClob(Reader reader, long length)
      Create a NCLOB reference encapsulating the given character data.
      reader - The character data reader.
      length - The length of the reader data.
      The created NCLOB, castable as Clob as well as NClobImplementer. In JDK 1.6 environments, also castable to java.sql.NClob
    • toJdbcBlob

      Blob toJdbcBlob(Blob clob)
      Return an instance which can actually be written to a JDBC PreparedStatement.
      See Also:
      API Note:
      This is needed for Oracle
    • toJdbcClob

      Clob toJdbcClob(Clob clob)
      Return an instance which can actually be written to a JDBC PreparedStatement.
      See Also:
      API Note:
      This is needed for Oracle
    • toJdbcNClob

      NClob toJdbcNClob(NClob clob)
      Return an instance which can actually be written to a JDBC PreparedStatement.
      See Also:
      API Note:
      This is needed for Oracle