Class ConfigurationHelper


public final class ConfigurationHelper extends Object
Collection of helper methods for dealing with configuration settings.
  • Method Details

    • getString

      public static String getString(String name, Map<?,?> values)
      Get the config value as a String
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      The value, or null if not found
    • getString

      public static String getString(String preferred, String fallback, Map<?,?> values)
      Get the config value as a String
      preferred - The preferred config setting name.
      fallback - The fallback config setting name, when the preferred configuration is not set.
      values - The map of config values
      The value, or null if not found
    • getString

      public static String getString(String name, Map<?,?> values, String defaultValue)
      Get the config value as a String
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      defaultValue - The default value to use if not found
      The value.
    • getString

      public static String getString(String name, Map<?,?> values, Supplier<String> defaultValueSupplier)
      Get the config value as a String
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      The value, or null if not found
    • getBoolean

      public static boolean getBoolean(String name, Map<?,?> values)
      Get the config value as a boolean (default of false)
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      The value.
    • getBoolean

      public static boolean getBoolean(String name, Map<?,?> values, boolean defaultValue)
      Get the config value as a boolean.
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      defaultValue - The default value to use if not found
      The value.
    • toBoolean

      public static Boolean toBoolean(Object value, boolean defaultValue)
    • getBooleanWrapper

      public static Boolean getBooleanWrapper(String name, Map<?,?> values, Boolean defaultValue)
      Get the config value as a boolean (default of false)
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      The value.
    • getInt

      public static int getInt(String name, Map<?,?> values, int defaultValue)
      Get the config value as an int
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      defaultValue - The default value to use if not found
      The value.
    • getInteger

      public static Integer getInteger(String name, Map<?,?> values)
      Get the config value as an Integer
      name - The config setting name.
      values - The map of config values
      The value, or null if not found
    • getLong

      public static long getLong(String name, Map<?,?> values, int defaultValue)
    • clone

      @Deprecated(since="7", forRemoval=true) public static Map clone(Map<?,?> configurationValues)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      No longer used
      Make a clone of the configuration values.
      configurationValues - The config values to clone
      The clone
    • maskOut

      public static Properties maskOut(Properties props, String key)
      replace a property by a starred version
      props - properties to check
      key - property to mask
      cloned and masked properties
    • extractPropertyValue

      public static String extractPropertyValue(String propertyName, Properties properties)
      Extract a property value by name from the given properties object.

      Both null and empty string are viewed as the same, and return null.

      propertyName - The name of the property for which to extract value
      properties - The properties object
      The property value; may be null.
    • extractPropertyValue

      public static String extractPropertyValue(String propertyName, Map<?,?> properties)
      Extract a property value by name from the given properties object.

      Both null and empty string are viewed as the same, and return null.

      propertyName - The name of the property for which to extract value
      properties - The properties object
      The property value; may be null.
    • extractValue

      public static String extractValue(String name, Map<?,?> values, Supplier<String> fallbackValueFactory)
    • toMap

      @Deprecated(since="7", forRemoval=true) public static Map toMap(String propertyName, String delim, Properties properties)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      No longer used
      Constructs a map from a property value.

      The exact behavior here is largely dependant upon what is passed in as the delimiter.

      propertyName - The name of the property for which to retrieve value
      delim - The string defining tokens used as both entry and key/value delimiters.
      properties - The properties object
      The resulting map; never null, though perhaps empty.
      See Also:
    • toMap

      @Deprecated(since="7", forRemoval=true) public static Map toMap(String propertyName, String delim, Map<?,?> properties)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      No longer used
      Constructs a map from a property value.

      The exact behavior here is largely dependant upon what is passed in as the delimiter.

      propertyName - The name of the property for which to retrieve value
      delim - The string defining tokens used as both entry and key/value delimiters.
      properties - The properties object
      The resulting map; never null, though perhaps empty.
      See Also:
    • toStringArray

      public static String[] toStringArray(String propertyName, String delim, Properties properties)
      Get a property value as a string array.
      propertyName - The name of the property for which to retrieve value
      delim - The delimiter used to separate individual array elements.
      properties - The properties object
      The array; never null, though may be empty.
      See Also:
    • toStringArray

      public static String[] toStringArray(String stringForm, String delim)
      Convert a string to an array of strings. The assumption is that the individual array elements are delimited in the source stringForm param by the delim param.
      stringForm - The string form of the string array.
      delim - The delimiter used to separate individual array elements.
      The array; never null, though may be empty.
    • resolvePlaceHolders

      public static void resolvePlaceHolders(Map<?,Object> configurationValues)
      Handles interpolation processing for all entries in a properties object.
      configurationValues - The configuration map.
    • resolvePlaceHolder

      public static String resolvePlaceHolder(String property)
      Handles interpolation processing for a single property.
      property - The property value to be processed for interpolation.
      The (possibly) interpolated property value.
    • getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForBoolean

      @Incubating public static int getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForBoolean(StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
    • getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForBoolean

      @Incubating public static int getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForBoolean(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry, Dialect dialect)
    • getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForDuration

      @Incubating public static int getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForDuration(StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
    • getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForUuid

      @Incubating public static int getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForUuid(StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
    • getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForInstant

      @Incubating public static int getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForInstant(StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
    • getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForArray

      @Incubating public static int getPreferredSqlTypeCodeForArray(StandardServiceRegistry serviceRegistry)
    • setIfNotEmpty

      public static void setIfNotEmpty(String value, String settingName, Map<String,String> configuration)
    • setIfNotNull

      @Deprecated(since="7", forRemoval=true) public static void setIfNotNull(Object value, String settingName, Map<String,Object> configuration)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.