Interface SchemaManager

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@Incubating public interface SchemaManager extends SchemaManager
Allows programmatic schema export, schema validation, data cleanup, and schema cleanup as a convenience for writing tests.
See Also:
API Note:
This interface was added to JPA 3.2 as SchemaManager, which it now inherits, with a minor change to the naming of its operations. It is retained for backward compatibility and as a place to define additional functionality in the future.
  • Method Details

    • exportMappedObjects

      void exportMappedObjects(boolean createSchemas)
      Export database objects mapped by Hibernate entities.

      Programmatic way to run SchemaCreator.

      createSchemas - if true, attempt to create schemas, otherwise, assume the schemas already exist
      API Note:
      This operation is a synonym for SchemaManager.create(boolean).
    • dropMappedObjects

      void dropMappedObjects(boolean dropSchemas)
      Drop database objects mapped by Hibernate entities, undoing the previous export.

      Programmatic way to run SchemaDropper.

      dropSchemas - if true, drop schemas, otherwise, leave them be
      API Note:
      This operation is a synonym for SchemaManager.drop(boolean).
    • validateMappedObjects

      void validateMappedObjects()
      Validate that the database objects mapped by Hibernate entities have the expected definitions.

      Programmatic way to run SchemaValidator.

      API Note:
      This operation is a synonym for SchemaManager.validate().
    • truncateMappedObjects

      void truncateMappedObjects()
      Truncate the database tables mapped by Hibernate entities, and then re-import initial data from any configured load script.

      Programmatic way to run SchemaTruncator.

      API Note:
      This operation is a synonym for SchemaManager.truncate().