Interface FetchList

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@Incubating public interface FetchList extends Iterable<Fetch>
This is essentially a List of Fetch(es), but exposing an interface which is more suitable to our needs; in particular it expresses the immutable nature of this structure, and allows us to extend it with additional convenience methods such as indexedForEach(IndexedConsumer). And additional reason for the custom interface is to allow custom implementations which can be highly optimised as necessary for our specific needs; for example the implementation ImmutableFetchList is able to avoid caching problems related to JDK-8180450, which would not have been possible with a standard generic container.
  • Method Details

    • size

      int size()
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
    • get

      Fetch get(Fetchable fetchable)
    • forEach

      void forEach(Consumer<? super Fetch> consumer)
      Specified by:
      forEach in interface Iterable<Fetch>
    • indexedForEach

      void indexedForEach(IndexedConsumer<? super Fetch> consumer)
    • stream

      default Stream<Fetch> stream()
    • hasJoinFetches

      default boolean hasJoinFetches()
    • containsCollectionFetches

      default boolean containsCollectionFetches()
    • getCollectionFetchesCount

      default int getCollectionFetchesCount()