Annotation Type Cache

  • @Target({TYPE,METHOD,FIELD})
    public @interface Cache
    Marks a root entity or collection for second-level caching, and specifies:
    • a named cache region in which to store the state of instances of the entity or collection, and
    • an appropriate cache concurrency policy, given the expected data access patterns affecting the entity or collection.

    This annotation should always be used in preference to the less useful JPA-defined annotation Cacheable, since JPA provides no means to specify anything about the semantics of the cache. Alternatively, it's legal, but redundant, for the two annotations to be used together.

    Note that entity subclasses of a root entity with a second-level cache inherit the cache belonging to the root entity.

    For example, the following entity is eligible for caching:

     @Cache(usage = NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE)
     public static class Person { ... }

    Similarly, this collection is cached:

     @OneToMany(mappedBy = "person")
     @Cache(usage = NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE)
     private List<Phone> phones = new ArrayList<>();

    Note that the second-level cache is disabled unless "hibernate.cache.region.factory_class" is explicitly specified, and so, by default, this annotation has no effect.

    See Also:
    Cacheable, Cache, CacheSettings.CACHE_REGION_FACTORY, CacheSettings.USE_SECOND_LEVEL_CACHE
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String include
      Use includeLazy() for the sake of typesafety.
      boolean includeLazy
      When bytecode enhancement is used, and field-level lazy fetching is enabled, specifies whether lazy attributes of the entity are eligible for inclusion in the second-level cache, in the case where they happen to be loaded.
      String region
      The cache region name.
      • region

        String region
        The cache region name.
      • includeLazy

        boolean includeLazy
        When bytecode enhancement is used, and field-level lazy fetching is enabled, specifies whether lazy attributes of the entity are eligible for inclusion in the second-level cache, in the case where they happen to be loaded.

        By default, a loaded lazy field will be cached when second-level caching is enabled. If this is not desirable—if, for example, the field value is extremely large and only rarely accessed—then setting @Cache(includeLazy=false) will prevent it and other lazy fields of the annotated entity from being cached, and the lazy fields will always be retrieved directly from the database.

        See Also:
      • include

        String include
        Use includeLazy() for the sake of typesafety.
        When bytecode enhancement is used, and field-level lazy fetching is enabled, specifies which attributes of the entity are included in the second-level cache, either:
        • "all" properties, the default, or
        • only "non-lazy" properties.